Chapter 15 - Photos

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Noah and Evan's mom had come to pick up the boys from the Karasuno baseball field in two vehicles since they wouldn't all fit in one. Kei carried Shoyo to Noah's car, getting in the backseat with him while Evan sat up front with his brother. The other three went with Mrs. Cortman.

Once they had reached the Cortman residence, Noah lifted Shoyo out of the car and carried him inside, Tsukishima grabbing the bloody ball and glove from the seat beside him. Noah laid Shoyo gently on the couch in the living room. The boys, along with Evan's parents, and Shoyo's mom all sat and quietly chatted for a little while, deciding that Shoyo needed a bit of sleep before they woke him. Kazu and Natsu were upstairs watching TV in the Cortman's guest bedroom.

After an hour passed by, Evan sat beside Shoyo on the couch and woke him up.

When his eyes fluttered open, they stared into Evan green ones, trying to communicate his sadness without actually speaking. Evan watched, his heart breaking, as Shoyo's caramel coloured eyes spilled over with fresh tears. A quiet sob escaped Shoyo's mouth and Evan pulled him into a hug.

Not being able to bear it anymore, Shoyo's wings shot out from his back, ripping holes in his shirt, and enclosing Evan and himself in his feathers. Those who hadn't seen his wings before let out a gasp, and Noah rushed to pull the curtains over the window.

Inside the darkness and safety of his wings Shoyo rested his head on Evan's chest. "They've sent someone to get me." He whispered so no one else could hear, his words making Evan tense. "They want me back. They found us."

With another rip of clothing, Evan's wings tore out as well. "They won't get you back. I won't let them."

Asahi turned his back on the scene, finding that when the other two had their wings out, his own wings urged him to be let out.

Knowing that the two were on the defensive, Mark, Evan's Dad, had everyone back up. "Something really bad must have happened." He commented quietly, making sure everyone was giving them space. "Let's go sit in the other room for now." He decided.

Nodding, everyone filtered into the open concept dining room and kitchen. Noah sat himself down on the kitchen counter, busying himself with his phone. Josephine went about offering drinks, and the rest just sat quietly at the table. Tanaka found himself absentmindedly turning the flash drive over in his hands that he had pulled out of his backpack.

About half an hour had gone by when the two entered the dining room with grim looks on their faces. They both moved to sit at the table as everyone watched them, waiting for them to speak first.

A silent conversation passed between the two in which they decided that Evan would start explaining. "The lab in Canada wants Shoyo back. They sent someone to find him." He whispered. "They're here. They know where we're going to school and who knows what else." Everyone stiffened.

"What exactly happened?" Noah asked.

Shoyo took a deep breath. Having still not looked at anyone other than Evan, he kept his gaze glued to the table, tracing the stitching of the light gray tablecloth with his eyes. "I went to the bathroom after Evan hit his home run. There was no one around." He fidgeted. "But when I was washing my hands, this guy came in and just stared at me." His voice was so quiet it was almost a whisper, but nobody had to strain to hear his words, as the room was otherwise silent. "When I tried to leave he blocked my way. He pulled a knife on me. Said that he was going to be rich once he handed me back over to the Saskatchewan lab." Shoyo laughed bitterly, "I'm worth a lot to them apparently. The good news is, they don't want Evan back." He said, brightening slightly with the last sentence.

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