Chapter 29 - Healing Tears

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Sorry this chapter took so long! Winter is always so busy for me 🥲

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! And Happy New Year too!

After his panic attack, Shoyo spent the rest of the day huddled on the couch in the common room between Tendou and Oikawa, watching the little baby boy in Hana's arms like a hawk. Or, well, like a crow. Those in the cafeteria had decided the sleeping arrangements for the night whilst he was otherwise occupied. While Hana and her new baby boy slept on the table bed, which was now pushed up against a wall to prevent the baby from falling off, Shoyo had first dibs on the couch. He did all the hard work that day after all. The couple other bed rolls were given to the managers. Everyone else was expected to make do with the rest of the clean towels and blankets that they had found and find a spot on the ground to try and get some sleep.

It was almost pitch dark in their confined space when night had fallen and the last bits of sunlight no longer filtered through the high windows in the cafeteria, but almost no one was able to sleep. The sounds of whispers and quiet conversations joined the snoring of those who could sleep in the cafeteria, but in the common room, Shoyo found himself bothered by the quiet. Hana and her baby didn't make a sound while they slept and Yutaro sat against the wall near his mother like a silent guard, watching over his family to be sure neither his mother nor his brother were in any danger.

Shoyo sighed silently, giving up on trying to find rest on his own. Even if he did fall asleep he would probably only wake from a nightmare a couple hours later, his screams disturbing his temporary roommates. Hinata got up from his place on the couch, Yutaro looking over at him as he did so. Despite the dark, he could just make out the shapes of the furniture and three other people in the room. "I'll be right back." He whispered, his voice sounding too loud in the silence of the night. He thought he could make out Yutaro nodding in response.

Hinata padded over to the cafeteria, pushing the door open as quietly and slowly as he could, though it still squeaked a little on its hinges. You wouldn't have noticed the sound had it been the middle of the day when everyone was up and about. Peeking in, he was startled to see the amount of boys he could tell were still awake. Shoyo scanned the room quickly, noticing that a few had discovered his presence.

Finally his eyes lay upon four figures sitting up against the far wall. Iwaizumi sat in the middle with Oikawa to the left of him and Kunimi to the right. Kageyama was snuggled in the space between Iwaizumi's legs, leaning against his chest, head tucked under his chin. He appeared to be the only one of the four asleep. Shoyo smiled tiredly, happy for his friend and his new relationship. They looked good together.

He wandered over, a few curious eyes tracking his movements, but he ignored them all in favor of watching Oikawa look up to meet his gaze.

"Everything okay, Chibi-chan?" OIkawa whispered, concerned.

Shoyo crouched down in front of him, nodding to both Iwaizumi and Kunimi in a way of acknowledgement. "Can't sleep." He admitted quietly. "Do you... I mean... Would you like to share the couch with me?" He asked shyly, looking up at Oikawa through his eyelashes.

Oikawa pointedly ignored Iwaizumi's smirk as he smiled softly at the little ginger in front of him. "I'd love to." He pushed himself up and off the floor to follow Hinata out of the cafeteria and into the common room, where Kindaichi watched them enter curiously.

Shoyo blushed under the gaze of Kageyama's friend and Oikawa's teammate, but did his best to pretend he wasn't there as he grabbed Tooru's hand and led him over to the couch where they wasted no time settling into each other's arms. Shoyo let out a relieved sigh as he felt himself relax, safely wrapped in Oikawa's hold, his head tucked under the older boy's chin.

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