Chapter 21 - Stitches

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 After breakfast, where Hinata and Oikawa had found themselves within the company of an odd group including Kageyama, Iwaizumi, Tendou, and Ushijima, the coaches had them change into their practice clothes and meet in gym number one.

"Alright! Gather round!" Coach Irihata's voice echoed through the gym, commanding the attention of the rowdy group of teens. On each of his sides stood Coach Washijo and Ukai. "Today we'll be rotating through different practice methods. You are going to be split up into three groups so that there are players from each team in each of the groups. The first group will remain here in gym one with Coach Washijo to do spiking, receiving, blocking, and serving drills. The second group will be outside with Coach Ukai to do strength and stamina training. This will include a workout plan that we have put together for each of you individually, as well as a run. The last group will be playing a practice match with me as referee in gym two. The groups will rotate activities twice so that each has been to all three before lunch. After lunch we'll be doing a tournament of sorts with the teams being your groups that we've placed you in. Questions?" Irihata looked around the group and when he found no hands in the air he nodded sharply before continuing. "Alright, here are the groups..." He continued to rattle off names, mixing up the teams.

It appeared to Shoyo that the groups were constructed so that one team captain was in each group, and the rest were spread out based on what position they played. When he heard his name being put in group one with Oikawa, he felt guilty that he was admittedly more excited than he would have been if he were placed with Daichi, his own team captain, or Ushijima.

Hinata was restless with anticipation. He was starry eyed over the idea of getting to spike some of Oikawa's sets.

Needless to say, the first rotation went well. Since he was in the first group, Shoyo got to do different drills. Spiking was of course his favorite and he was unexplainably disappointed when it was time to move on to receiving, but he worked just as hard with it as he did with the spiking drill.

The next rotation brought him outside with Coach Ukai. Each person received a personalized workout based on what their Coaches believed they should work on and what they needed for their position.

Looking over his paper, Shoyo wasn't all too surprised to see that it was significantly easier than what he could be doing. Partly because of him being a winged child, but also because of his self defense and karate training improving his athletic abilities. He had an exceptional amount of stamina and strength despite his small stature and looks. He was told they would do the run at the end, so he was quick to jump right into the workout.

Once he was finished, Shoyo glanced over everyone else in his group to see that they were only about halfway done. Sighing he sat down on the grass to relax.

After everyone completed their workout, Ukai had them partner up to do the run. By the end of it everyone was panting and sweating, save for a few, including Shoyo, and Asahi who, to the slight amusement of Hinata, made an effort to pretend he was more exhausted than he actually was.

Next was the practice match. Oikawa was on the same side as Shoyo, exciting the little ginger even more since he could spike more of the older boy's sets. The game went well, especially in the eyes of the team that was winning. In the end, it was one of Shoyo's spikes that won the game, causing the middle blocker and the setter to celebrate with many cheers, high fives, and even a hug, which left the both blushing just slightly. Asahi didn't fail to pick up on that little detail, putting it away with the rest of the secrets he had stored away in his head.


Lunch was always a chaotic event. Shoyo expected no less as he made his way to the cafeteria from the gyms, pulling his jacket over his practice clothes as he went. Usually he would race Kageyama through the halls to be first in line for food, but considering the last time he saw the setter he was talking quietly with a couple of the players from Aoba Johsai, he figured he would take the opportunity to ease into the more subdued version of himself that would normally take over when the team wasn't around. He would tell them about everything sooner or later anyways.

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