Chapter 9 - Trust

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Noya was worried. He realized that Asahi had disappeared on Saturday but didn't say anything thinking he just went to the bathroom or something. When he didn't come back though he knew something must have been wrong. He decided to give Asahi some time, and then he would ask him about it at school on Monday. But Monday came, and Asahi was nowhere to be seen. He had texted the group chat to say he wasn't feeling well, but Noya had a feeling that that wasn't it. Figuring he wouldn't have time to call Asahi until after volleyball practice, he simply sent him a text saying he'd call him when he got home. Turns out that volleyball was canceled however.

"Isn't it kind of weird that Tsuki decided to skip classes on the same day that Hinata didn't come to school?" Yamaguchi speculated.

The team was in front of the school. They had all planned to go to Kageyama's house again after practice to share what they found about winged children since their research had lasted all weekend. Instead they were going right after class.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." Suga mentioned. "We'll have to keep an eye on those two. In the meantime, we'll share what we found about winged children."

With that, they all walked together to Kageyama's house, stopping for meat buns on the way.

Once they were back in Kageyama's basement, Suga began pulling books out of his bag. Each book had post-its sticking out between the pages to mark the important spots. Everyone else brought out their own books and laptops.

"Hey guys, I'm just going to give Asahi a quick call, I'll be right back." Noya said, getting up and heading back up the stairs with his phone in hand. Initially he said he would call when he got home, but now he's thinking that that might be a while from now.

Leaning up against the wall beside the stairs, Noya called Asahi's number. It rang twice before Asahi picked up.

"Hey, Yuu." Noya frowned. Asahi sounded nervous.

"Hey, everything okay? I feel like there's more to the story than not feeling well. Don't think I didn't notice you leave early on Saturday either. And don't you dare try lying to me. You know I can tell when you're lying." He got straight to the point, determined to figure out what was going on with his giant, anxious, teddy bear of a man.

Asahi let out a deep chuckle that made Noya blush. Apparently he wasn't nervous anymore. "I wasn't planning on it. I want to talk to you face-to-face though, not on the phone."

"Oh. Okay." Noya spoke into the phone. He wasn't expecting that.

Asahi chuckled again. "Are you free right now?" Asahi asked, snapping Noya out of his surprised state.

"Oh, no. I'm actually at Kageyama's right now. After you left on Saturday Enno told us some pretty crazy stuff about that Secret Facility place, and then we spent the rest of the weekend doing research on people with wings. We're sharing what we found today." He explained briefly.

"Oh, okay, stay there then. You can come over after and we'll talk. You can catch me up on everything you guys have found too."

"Are you sure? I can make up an excuse to leave." Noya knew his priorities, and Asahi was at the top of them.

"Yeah, I can wait. Oh!" He said remembering something. "Also, I'm not home right now so I'll text you an address to come to when you're done there, okay?"

This situation was getting weirder and weirder for Noya. He wondered if he would even be able to sit through talking about winged children when he was curious about what was going on with Asahi.

"O-kay..?" he said it as a bit of a question.

"Okay, I'll see you soon. I love you." Asahi spoke gently into the phone and Noya immediately relaxed.

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