Chapter 34 - The Whole Story

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Shoyo felt a gentle hand cup his jaw and turn his face towards Oikawa. He sniffled, clenching his eyes shut tight.

"Chibi-chan~" Tooru coaxed. "Will you open your eyes for me?" Shoyo shook his head 'no'. Oikawa brought his other hand up to hold Shoyo's face, gently stroking his thumbs over the ginger's soft cheeks. "Please? Let me see your beautiful eyes."

Shoyo took in a shaky breath before letting his eyes flutter open, hesitantly raising them to meet with the swirling chocolate eyes staring intently down into his own honey coloured ones.

Oikawa smiled sweetly. "There you are." He whispered. They gazed at each other silently for another moment before he spoke again. "I know we're young, and this would be a huge commitment for me to take on, but that doesn't change my feelings for you." Oikawa started. "I have a lot of love to give, Shoyo-chan. There is more than enough room in my heart for you and your son. I may not know him yet, but if he's anything like you, I know I'll be wrapped around his little finger before long. I want to give this a try. I want to date you, and get to know your son. And one day, maybe we'll be able to call ourselves a family."

Shoyo leaned over to press his forehead against Oikawa's, his eyes now glittering with tears. He smiled wide at Tooru's softly spoken words. "Okay." He sighed contentedly. "I think I'd like that a lot."

Oikawa beamed. "Okay." He agreed, then pulled Shoyo closer, stealing a gentle kiss full of joy and anticipation for what their future together might hold.


When the two ventured back down into the cafeteria, hand in hand, it was to find Ukai talking in hushed voices with the other coaches in the corner while everyone else watched on and whispered. Upon seeing Shoyo back, Tendou made his way over.

"Sho-chan. We've already scrubbed all the weapons clean and now Ukai is telling the other coaches that we found the bag of them with Asahi while we were looking around the roof, and that you dropped the gun while inspecting it and it went off by accident." He immediately explained.

"Got it. I'll remember just in case anything comes up." Shoyo nodded, watching the spot where the coaches were whispering to each other rather urgently.

Oikawa squeezed his hand. "Want to go sit with Iwa-chan and," he sniffed, "...Tobio?"

Shoyo snorted. "Yeah, okay." He agreed, allowing himself to be pulled along over to where Iwaizumi and Kageyama were sitting with Kindaichi and Kunimi.


When lunch rolled around and they all lined up to get some food, Shoyo worriedly assessed the amount of food they had left. It wasn't much. He sighed as he grabbed a slice of fluffy bread, some peanut butter, and a new bottle of water. They wouldn't last much longer if they kept on as they were.

Shoyo absently dropped his plate down at the table Oikawa led him over to and sat down between him and Iwaizumi who had Kageyama on his other side. Kunimi and Kindaichi were also sitting there.

He let his mind wander to their current situation. They could technically leave any time they wanted to... but that would mean revealing winged children to a few dozen people. He wasn't sure how smart that would be. Though when you considered it was a matter of sharing their secret or starving to death, well that wasn't something that warranted contemplation. The question was, how long do they wait for rescue?

"Everything okay there little number ten?"

Shoyo shook himself out of his musings to find Iwaizumi watching him with a bit of concern. He smiled at his new friend, hoping to reassure him. "Yeah. Everything's fine. I was just noticing how low we're getting on food." He explained.

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