Divorcing Rose Pt 1 (Ward)

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Today is the day my sugar daddy finally gives the divorce papers to his wife, well soon to be ex wife. He invited me over to see it all go down.

I know it might be a little weird for his kids since I'm only 23 and he's 48 but I love him regardless. He also has A LOT of money so I am extremely lucky.

I am on my way to meet him at the park before we head back to his place.

I rolled into the parking lot and peered at my hot boyfriend sitting on the bench chair. I flicked the car engine off and headed over to him.

"Hey Ward!" I squealed running over to him. He stood up and opened his arms ready for me to hug him.

He chuckled as I embraced him tightly, then pulling out to give him a kiss.

"You ready?" He asked tickling me playfully.

Ward continued talking but I stopped for a second realising his daughter, Sarah had seen us.

"Um uh Ward?" You pointed over to Sarah, her jaw was on the floor.

"Shit. Sarah!" He shouted waving his hand at her, she didn't acknowledge him and ran the opposite direction.

"We've got to get to Rose before she does" I suggested.

Ward turned to you and started at me with lust in his eyes, "Jump in my car quickly" he responded taking my wrist and dragging me to the car.

He turned his keys and reversed out and sped back to his house, no Sarah in sight.

When we got to his house, he pulled in. Rose ran out of the back door excited to see Ward but her face immediately changed.

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