Seth and Leah did what?!

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3rd POV
Jake, Seth, and Leah came back with Embry who wanted to be a part of the Black Pack a few hours later only to see Rosalie and Alice sitting outside with Eira, Seren, and Renesmee in their arms.

Emmett and Jasper were disposing of bags full of glass. Esme was on the phone with a vampire friend that works in home design as well. Carlisle was going off on Edward and Bella.

The vampire doctor was always so calm, patient and peaceful so to see him so angry and hostile was unusual. Jake immediately went over to Renesmee to help comfort the crying infant. Seth and Leah also rushed over to Rosalie's side hoping to bring some form of comfort to the trio.

Embry stood there confused for a moment before asking "What happened?" Alice looked up and said "Edward and Bella tried to force the twins to break their bonds with Rosalie and Emmett, and it resulted in Eira discovering her gift which destroyed every glass, clay, and porcelain item in the house."

Embry's eyes widened in surprise as did the rest of the Black Pack's "Eira has a gift?" Leah said sounding in awe and amazed. Alice nodded "I peeked into her future and she that along with enhanced beauty like Rose, she'd have sound manipulation, siren song, voice manipulation, empathic voice, and singing intuition."

The pack gave her blank looks. Alice sighed and said "Basically she can control other peoples thoughts, emotions, and actions with her voice and use banshee like wails or siren songs to defend herself as needed which is what happened today" "Thankfully that's all that happened today" Carlisle said as he approached his daughters and granddaughters with a frown.

"I did some more research, and if some tries to break bonds like these after they've been accepted then everyone involved will die" Carlisle explained with a grave tone. Eira and Seren whimpered and Rosalie squeezed them closer to her. Leah growled now throughly pissed. Leah stood up and stormed over to the idiotic couple that was sulking over their failed plan.

Leah reared her fist back and socked Bella in the face then repeated the action with Edward. She knocked both of them to the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?! Eira and Seren are not your daughters! They never were! Why can't you two just accept that and move on? I mean seriously! You nearly killed them today because your both so selfish and stupid!" Leah screamed at the stunned duo that laid on the floor.

"What about Renesmee?! You know your actual daughter! The one that grows extremely quickly in case you forgot! But instead of ensuring that you have strong bonds with her you wanna waste what possibly little time you have with her stealing someone else's kids!" Leah finished her rant and was now panting.

Bella scowled and stood up and got in Leah's face "Why do you even care?! It's none of your business! This is a family matter between me and Rose! Not you! So why don't you go back to crying over your ex boyfriend and mind your own goddamn business!"

Leah snarled viciously "It is my business because you just tried to murder my imprint, you spoiled self centered whiny brat!"

Silence echoed throughout the Cullen residence as everyone was in shock except for Jake, Seth, and Embry. Leah was still pissed as she glared at a gob smack Bella.

"W- wait what?" Bella managed to squeaked out "Yes! You nearly murdered six people today because you can't handle the fact that the twins decided that they didn't want you as their mother, and I don't blame them! Who would want a stuck up, self entitled bitch who still acts like a two year old despite being 18 years old!" Leah roared about you give Bella a piece of her mind.

"Of course they would chose Rosalie over you! She's beautiful, and kind, and loving, and selfless! She's the perfect mother! You're just a snobby jealous bitter bitch! And trust me no amount of vampire venom will ever be able to hide how hideous you really are!" Leah said venomously.

Bella's eyes filled with venom tears and she took off into the woods. Edward stood up and glared at her hatefully "No wonder Sam dumped you for your cousin!" Leah scoffed "Old news, asshole. You wanna try better than that? Or do you want to comfort your wife?"

Edward sneered at her "You're such a bitch!" "Better to be a 'bitch' than whatever the fuck your wife is!" Edward, having nothing else to say, stormed off after Bella.

Leah turned around to see Rosalie and Emmett staring at her in shock. Esme then cleared her throat "Why don't we all get the new glass windows? Alice, you can pick out the new dishes?" Everyone agreed and got up leaving Leah, Seth, Rosalie, Emmett, Eira, and Seren behind.

Once the were alone Rosalie tried to wrap her head around what just happened so that way she could form a proper sentence. Emmett spoke instead "You imprinted on one of our daughters?" Leah nodded "Eira."

The twin in question looked up at the pretty female that she'd seen/met yesterday, but was unable to interact with. That explained the funny feeling in her chest when she first saw her, and why she felt so disappointed when she had left early this morning while Eira was sleeping.

Seth stood up from beside Rosalie and cleared his throat while rubbing the back of his neck "I also imprinted on Seren" he began, but Leah finished for him "We are so sorry, we didn't mean for this to happen, or for you and the girls to find out this way!"

Seth nodded in agreement "Yeah! We were planning on sitting down and telling you today during their afternoon nap, but then things happened and-" "Just please don't take them away from us! We only want them to be safe and happy!" Leah cut Seth's rambling off to get to the point.

Rosalie finally managed to find her voice "Did you really mean what you said to Bella?" Leah looked at Rose and nodded "Yeah, I mean you're badass and tough shit, Rosalie! The girls made the right choice in choosing you, and don't doubt it for a second because of some bloated brunette bitch! Have faith in your daughters and their decision" Leah said truthfully.

Rose smiled at her "Thank you" Rose suddenly stood up and looked down at her daughters "Do you two wanna meet your imprints?" The twins gurgled and squeaked happily which compelled Rose to place Eira in Leah's arms and Seren in Seth's.

While the Clearwater siblings lovingly held their imprints the Cullen family worked together to put the house back together before nightfall.

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