Chapter 5: Return

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Undisclosed Location:

The Facility, 1:23 AM


The powerful man approached John as he lay in the shattered pile of concrete, fully intending to finish the fight. John was beginning to collect himself after Claire's "pep talk" and sat up from where he was thrown, eyeing the man who had sent him here with anger and determination. The man noticed and stopped his approach, readying himself in a position the would allow him to charge. As he took a step a red beam came from the van where John had brought his fellow classmates.

The beam caught the man off guard, pushing him forwards in shock as he felt no pain thanks to his ability. John noticed his opportunity as his enemy was coming closer to his range of attack. 

"Now its your turn asshole!" John shouted as the man continued to fall closer.

He reared back, holding himself up on his hands, as if he was going to flip forwards, while bringing his knees to his chest, and launched his heels at the mans chin connecting a devastating blow. John knew he didn't feel the pain it would have caused, but it certainly had an effect as he flew backwards a number of feet, landing with a loud thud on the hard pavement.

John knew that he had a lucky break just now, but since he had a chance to recover, the ball was in his court now. He looked to the van, owing his recent success to a familiar red head who nodded at John before falling unconscious once more due to overexertion from the night.

Copying Blyke's ability, John now had a means of disabling his foe without getting close and trading blows, an outcome he would eventually lose due to the pain resistance. Sending relentless waves of beams at the man that tracked him down from the combination of Blyke and Isens abilities, John was now completely in control of the fight. However, his time to escape was running out, something in the back of John's mind reminded him of what happened to the vigilante trio earlier that night. These people were smart, they had the foresight to call in reinforcements earlier, who said they wouldn't now? He had to finish this and get out while he still could.

'Enough fighting from afar, its time to get up close and personal again' John decided in his thoughts.

Using Blykes ability to propel himself, John charged the man stopping right in front of him to utilize the new part of red heads kit. He let out a massive energy shockwave, once again sending the assailant flying through the air, this time into a wall of the facility. But John didn't stop there, he continued his assault, following the man to the freshly made crater that now marked the side of the building, igniting his fire claws from Volcan. The man quickly recovered and threw a fist aimed at John's jaw, but being the seasoned fighter he was, John caught his fist in mid air, twisting his arm so that his palm was now facing upwards. Throwing him off balance as his body followed his arms sudden twist, John used his free hand to punch him in the gut with all his force.

Once again, John knew that he wouldn't feel the pain, but a strong punch to the gut would wind him, creating yet another opening for attack. As he was gearing up for another strike, a memory flashed in John's mind...

"John you held back, you didn't go overboard!" Adrion pointed out happily.

The time not too long ago where he saved Adrion from debt collectors replayed in his head. He remembered how overjoyed Adrion was to see that John had listened to his words and not beaten them after he had already won.

Coming back to reality, John still had the man's whole arm in deadlock, he could unleash all the anger he had upon him with little to no repercussion or harm coming to himself. He could give in and become the brutal King of New Bostin and Wellston, the Joker he was of the past, or take this opportunity and continue his path of reformation that he started when he saved Adrion.

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