NEW part 2

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My junior year at Langston University, walking around campus still felt surreal

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My junior year at Langston University, walking around campus still felt surreal. I decided to get an apartment off campus, but still made a lot of friends. Ones that didn’t judge, lived life freely and were mentally stimulating to talk to. And although everything has been great these past 3 years, I had a few bumps here and there. Speaking of said bumps….

“Hey boo, I got you some lunch,” Chantel sat next to me with a bag of fast food.

“I don’t eat that stuff,” I answered.

She rolled her eyes. “There you go being bougie again.”

Chantel Monroe has harassed me since my freshman year. She should have graduated by now but said she had to take time off to take care of her family. She’s one of the girls who’s used to getting a lot of male attention. When she saw me, I didn’t live up to what she was accustomed to, which was trying to date her. I wasn’t interested in having a conversation with her let alone dating her.
“In a bad mood today?” she asked. I ignored her. “We should hang out later, maybe go catch a movie or something.”

I sighed. “You already know my answer.”

Soon Jake and Malik walked up, those were my best friends here at the University. “Devin, the orientation starts in 15 minutes. We’re going to grab something to eat real quick and meet you in the auditorium.”

I nodded and started to pack my things. Chantel had pretty brown skin, dimples and an amazing body. No one would doubt she was very attractive but her attitude took all that away for me. Her thinking she can bully me into dating her was hilarious. It seems the more I dismissed her the more she kept going.

I like her. That ratchet shit kinda turns me on.

Hush, Ollie. She’s insufferable.

“What orientation are you going to?” she asked, brushing her mid back length hair.

I looked at her but didn’t answer. I put my phone on the lunch table to put my books in my bag. She grabbed my phone.

“Classical music playlist? Is this the only stuff you listen to?” she asked.

“Yes. Why?”

“You’re so corny. You need some real music in your life. Let me hook you up.”

Before she could finish, I took my phone from her and got up from the table.

She looked surprised at first, but then I saw her brows furrow per usual when she didn’t get her way. I knew a tantrum was next.

Chantel was a smart girl but her “hood mentality” was a vibe killer. I’m sure many guys would appreciate that about her, but it just annoyed me. She gives the impression that people from bad neighborhoods were all angry bullies but I have common sense to know that doesn’t apply to everyone.

“You’re so weird. Who the fuck listens to that weak shit but old rich people. I’m sure you gets no pussy playing that shit.” She laughed then stood up.

I looked at her up and down, then shook my head before I walked away.

I knew she didn’t believe anything she just said and I’m sure she heard rumors about me…some false, some true. If she wasn’t attracted to me, I doubt she would care, but Chantel was and she wanted to see what the fuss was about. And it’s not what most people think….I wasn’t sleeping around, that’s not my thing.

The few women I messed with on campus understood that if I find out they gossip about our sexual encounters, they will be cut second chances. Some learned the hard way but have since graduated or transferred schools. I’m serious about my privacy and how I move so you have one time to mess up and I’m done.

I made my way out of the cafeteria and Chantel walked next to me. “Why are you so mean?” she asked.

“I don’t know what you're talking about.”

“You’re mean to me. Do you think you’re better than me or something? Cause you’re not."

I ignored her but she continued.

"Yes, I’m from the hood and proud of it. I’ve come a long way and uppity muthafuckas like you always wanna turn their nose up at me.”

“Honestly, I don’t care where you’re from. You’re a very unpleasant person to be around,” I answered.

“You really are a pussy, you know that?”

“Yeah, thanks. If you’ll excuse me.” I walked into the auditorium and took my seat. Tracy saw me and came over to sit with me.

“I see your stalker is stalking as usual.” I turned to see Chantel standing in the aisle with her arms folded in front of her chest. I shook my head and she walked out of the auditorium….thank goodness.

Later that night, I took a shower and began to towel dry my locs. They hung almost to my waist.

I need to cut these

How about a fade or a buzz cut?


Hey, just trying to help.

I grabbed my scissors.

When I looked into the mirror, the bathroom lights began to flicker. In the mirror's reflection I saw myself but with completely black eyes and red veins protruding my skin. Then I felt a shock through my fingers that caused me to drop the scissors out of my hand.

What the hell?! Ollie did you feel that? He didn't respond.

Soon the lights went back to normal and my reflection did the same.

What is happening to me?


“Oh! you cut your hair.” My mom whined on facetime. My locs went from down my lower back to touching my shoulders. They were getting pretty heavy and inconvenient.

“Yeah, I did. Do you like it?” I asked, still caring about my mother’s opinion.

“I love it! I like how it’s sort of layered. Did you do that yourself?” she asked.

“Yup, took a little while too.”

“You look so mature and even more handsome,” my mother said, making me show my pearly whites.

“So how’s your classes going?” My father asked and I gave him all the updates on my grades and new classes for the semester. Of course I was passing everything.

“Are you eating?” My Mother asked.

“Hell yeah that boy is eating. He has the body of a track star. I never understood why you never wanted to play sports, son. I’m still hanging on to hope that you’ll play some type of sport before you graduate.”

“Not happening, Father. I have to go and I’ll call before I leave next week.”

“Ok son, we love you.”

“Love you both too.”

Devin made it back home for spring break and decided to sleep in on the first day back. It was a long drive and he was exhausted.

Later that evening he sat out back with his parents as his Dad put steaks and chicken on the grill. He really missed his parents and the calmness they brought into his life...never worrying or panicking over anything. He figured that’s why he has such a calm nature even in confrontations.

His mother walked back from the kitchen, she had an annoyed look on her face. “Natalie is out front.”

As usual his Mom said Natalia's name wrong.

Devin made his way to the door.

What does she want?

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