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Devin sat in his study room thinking of everything that he had been through since he was a child and the unconditional love he's received from his parents all of his life. Aches in his chest resurfaced at the image of his parents' dead bodies.

He talked to his Aunt Honey, and she seemed to be unsure of his innocence... which broke his heart. She didn't say he was guilty, but she didn't say he wasn't. She lost her favorite niece, and he knew the odds were stacked against him, so he wasn't surprised at her reaction either.

The last thing on his mind was his throne, anything else going on in the Underworld or Begonia. As far as he was concerned, they could take it all.

I just want my parents back.

Devin got up and walked through the familiar halls to the tall double doors. Standing on the balcony, he enjoyed the silence and creatures of the night. He could easily just stay in the Underworld, never having to go back to the human life he once lived. But his name being tarnished would constantly steal his peace of mind.


He heard a small familiar voice and turned its direction.

"Mina...what are you doing here?"

On the inside, Devin smiled. He was happy to see a familiar, sweet, and beautiful person.

"I saw you on the news... I needed to make sure you were okay."

Devin gave a grin. "Yes, I'm fine."

Her mind said stay where you are, but her heart told her something different. Mina ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

The warmth from her body put Devin at ease. He inhaled, enjoying her sweet scent. Mina held on tight, and he could feel her body shaking.

"Mina, are you crying?"

She shook her head as sniffles came from her body. Devin smiled, then wrapped his arms around her, now being the comfort she was to him.

"Why are you crying?" He wiped her tears.

"It's not fair that terrible things are happening to you, Devin. You're a good person... you don't deserve this!"

"Maybe I do...I'm not perfect, Mina."

She looked into his eyes. "You are to me."

Devin paused at her response as she held him tighter.

"What if I told you... I did kill my parents...."

Mina leaned back, looking at him angrily. "I would call you a big fat liar and that you're full of shit!"

Devin smiled as his eyes began to water at hearing Mina curse and her confidence in his innocence.

"You would never do such a thing....that's not who...."

Before she could finish, Devin kissed her lips and slowly took over her mouth. Mina accepted his tongue and enjoyed the tingles running up and down her spine.

I want this, Gela....I want this so bad. A moan left Mina's body.

Devin released her lips and stared into her glossy eyes.

"Thank you, Mina."


Mina stayed with me the rest of the night. We cuddled up in my bed, and I held her like she was my own little teddy bear. I know Ollie wanted me to have sex with Mina, but I just wanted to hold her... She is very special to me. I was really enjoying her light and pure energy...it gave me hope.

When she awoke, we had breakfast together, and I promised another time for us to spend with one another. The smile on her face made me feel happy, and I wanted to continue to be the reason she smiled.

Still being discreet, I knew the authorities thought I was still in the hospital. The Deru allowed my spirit to move from my body without disturbing my vitals. That's how I was able to make a few needed visits. My next visit was to the Underground to meet with my new allies... who knew they would actually come in handy.

They sat in the basement of Simon's gambling spot. When I appeared, they all jumped in surprise.

"Hello, gentlemen."

Flynn spoke. "Whoa....what are you doing here?"

"The last we saw, you were in the hospital."

"I didn't kill my parents."

Jesse smirked. "Duh...we knew that. We already got word on who did."

I felt my heartbeat increase...Who else believes I didn't kill them?

"Of course, low life criminals talk too damn much, and we know two of the guys that off'd your folks." Johnny lit his cigar.

"Tell me." I was ready to get revenge.

Simon grinned. "Hey...we already told you we got this. Once we get who ordered the hit, we'll get a few thousands out of them and get rid of the ones that did the hit."

"Amber Peters ordered the hit."

"What?" They all said in unison.

"She was a former employee of mine."

I felt my fist ball up. My last visit with Amber didn't go as I planned. The Deru didn't completely give all my powers back, so I was unable to do the harm that I wanted to do. But day by day I felt my energy increasing and it felt fucking amazing.

"Oh, so we can off her too then..."

"No...I want her to suffer and spend the rest of her life in jail. Chantel Monroe and her attorney are looking over my case. There is definitely some corruption going on...I need you fellas to work with Chantel and connect the dots."

"Chantel Monroe? That name sounds familiar," Jesse said.

"She's a cop."

"A cop here in Vegas?! How does she have jurisdiction in Connecticut?"

"She doesn't...she's just helping me out."

They all smiled at me, understanding my situation with Chantel and I smirked.

"You guys have a free pass tonight at Begonia. I will give the ladies a heads up that you all will be there. I hope you don't disappoint them."

They all got excited, looking forward to the invitation. We continued our plans for clearing my name and everything began to fall into place.

"Thanks again, gentlemen. Your bonuses will be waiting for you after the smoke clears."

"We got you, Boss."

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