LESSON part 2

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The two men that stood in front of him, definitely weren't in college. They looked to be in their late twenties or early thirties.

"It's too late for that, pussy. You put your hands on my lady," One of the men said between clenched teeth.

This bitch had a man this whole time while stalkin' you?.....fuckin' smut.

I think that is the least of our worries right now.

"That was after she slapped me...I'm sure you two can understand my reaction."

Devin took his air pods out, he was already planning where his hits would land on both of them. He knew the men wouldn't let him walk away. Due to his lack of aggression, many men assume he was unable to protect himself properly.

"Nah, fuck all that. Why don't you try putting your hands on a man." Her boyfriend walked closer.

"Ok then...let's get this over with."

That was Devin's last words before a fist came flying towards him landing on the right side of his jaw. Another fist hitting the other side.

Devin stumbled back a step or two, the men's hits taking him off balance. His mind switched and his fists connected with the faces of both men. Once the two men hit the ground, both of Devin's feet took turns kicking one man in the face and the other man in the ribs. The other students watched as the men groaned on the ground, blood leaking from their faces. They slowly got up but campus security kept the fight from continuing.

Devin looked ahead, he noticed an old woman in the crowd. She had a red scarf wrapped around her head and shoulders with stringy white hair that hung down to her waist. Her right eye had a slash over it and her pupil was completely white. Devin looked to see if anyone else noticed the old woman then put his focus back on her.

When he did, she pointed at him. "I see you, demon. They want you....you're next."

You good bro?

Devin snapped out of his gaze and the woman was gone. He thought he might have been hallucinating.

I'm fine. Those were some good hits they threw.

Yeah, I almost got a little worried for a sec.

Devin laughed at Ollie as he caught eye contact with Chantel then she stared at the two men being held by security. She looked back at Devin but he was already walking away.

Once he was in his apartment he showered, nursed his bruised face and fell asleep quickly on the couch. When he awoke he had a voice message.

Hello, Mr. Davis. We will not be picking you up for training next week due to an unexpected mission. We will contact you when training is back in session. Please enjoy your days off.

Devin was relieved hearing the message and planned to stay off campus for a few days. He didn't want to admit it, but seeing that old woman creeped him out...this time off was very much needed.


A day later, he pulled back up to his apartment after turning in some due assignments.

"Devin, can I talk to you for a minute?" A familiar voice said to him as he closed his car door.

He looked at Chantel standing in front of him, she didn't look like her usual self. She had on a hoodie with sweats and the bags under eyes were very noticeable. She was a beautiful girl, he just wished her attitude matched. Chantel pulled the hoodie off her head and nervously played with her fingers.

"I don't have all day, Ms. Monroe."

She looked up at him. "I want to apologize for hitting you. I had no right and I am so, so sorry. I know you must hate me and I understand if you won't accept my apology because I don't deserve it. But I really, really am sorry, Devin."

"You're right, you don't deserve it," he answered.

Chantel's face began to scrunch as if she was in pain then she looked down at the ground.

"I accept your apology."

Chantel immediately looked up at his response. She ran towards him putting her arms around his waist and sobbing. Judging the shaking and sobs coming from her body, Chantel learned her lesson.

From that moment on, she was a completely different person around him. He never thought in a million years he would enjoy Chantel Monroe's company. She was still rough around the edges but she would always tone it down in Devin's presence. For a whole month she cleaned his apartment to show that she wanted to make things right. Of course, he told her she didn't have to but she begged so she could make it up to him.

One day she decided to come over and cook for him.

"This is really delicious, Chantel." Devin ate some more of the roasted lentil and veggie casserole.

"Thanks. I'm happy you like it. I made a lot so you can have it for lunch or dinner tomorrow." Devin smiled at her and she blushed.

"Is there anything else I can do?" she asked.

Just like clockwork...here she goes.

"I don't know. Will it release this tension I have?" Devin said, stretching.

She chuckled. "Well.....getting some head usually helps me." She began biting her bottom lip.

"That's a good idea." Devin leaned back as if he was thinking of someone. Then he grabbed his phone.

She stood there for a few seconds. "Wait. You don't have to call anyone."

She walked toward him as he sat on the sofa. She crouched down and rubbed on the bulge in his pants. Chantel looked up at him waiting for permission.

"Go ahead." His hazel eyes stared into hers.

He's gonna love me after today. She thought...sure of herself and pulled him from his pants.

"Damn Devin." Chantel heard rumors about it being big but seeing up close and personal made her panties soak.

I'm gonna suck the soul out of him and then maybe next time I'll get to fuck.

Devin was mind blown at how good Chantel was, she gave the best head he ever had. Within five minutes Devin came and she made sure to swallow every drop. Proud of herself, she got up, blew him a kiss and left.

She barely used her hands. I knew it was something special about her.

Hush Ollie, stay focus.

Devin grabbed his phone and stopped the record button. Days prior, he practiced positioning the phone at a good angle while sitting on the couch. He was able to get a good view propping the phone against the arm of the sofa as long as he remembered exactly where to sit. Getting Chantel to do something sexual was the easy part.

After a few video edits, he blocked his number then prepared to send the video to the number he got from Chantel's phone. The contact number was "Bae Ty". He got the number when she asked him to add classical music to her playlist. Judging from her social media, it's the same guy that jumped him on campus.

It wasn't in his heart to be vicious toward her or any woman, even if they were in the wrong. But he will not be disrespected either.....he pressed send.

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