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"Ok Dev, what do you wanna toast to?" Kyle asked. It was my 28th birthday and we celebrated at Délicieux, a restaurant in the city and close to the accounting firm.

A lot has happened since college....I was offered a permanent position at the firm I interned, but couldn't see myself living that far from my family. So I applied at Abrams & Stone and was hired on the spot. Within 2 years, I was Chief Accounting Officer. When Mr. Stone decided to retire, I was then offered to become a Partner.....I accepted. I'd be lying if I didn't say it's nice seeing Abrams & Davis when I come off the elevator.

Yeah, cool story. So who we fucking tonight?

And Ollie is still being Ollie.

Things are still going well with Dr. Howard too. I only work on "highly classified" projects which happened once in 2 years. I helped create my first bio missile last year, it was pretty epic. It took my team four weeks to get it done.

Hey, are you igoring me?

Ollie, I heard what you said. I'm enjoying my birthday...can we focus on one thing at a time?

Yeah, whatever.

"I would like to make a toast to real friends, happiness and continued success," I answered.

Everyone raised their glasses in agreement. I had one more glass of wine and made my way to my car. I wasn't in the mood for company the dismay of Ollie.
It was 10pm when I pulled into the parking garage. I live in the Welsh Luxury Condo building in Highland City, it is an hour away from my parents. I live alone and want to keep it that way as long as possible, which is why I don't bring women to my place.

I also still see the old woman in my dreams sometimes. Her words would replay in my head, causing me to jump out of my sleep. They want you, you're next.

Ollie's always oblivious to my dreams everytime I mention them to him.

Before I could get out of my car, my phone was my fave, Aunt Honey.

"Happy Birthday, Nephew," she said in her usual raspy voice.

"Thank you, Aunt Honey. I almost thought you forgot about me."

She laughed. "I would never. I actually have some things I need to talk to you about in person....very important things. Do you think you can pay me a visit anytime soon?"

"Yeah, of course. Will in two weeks be fine?" I asked.

"Oh, that would be more than fine. I know you're a busy man so thank you for doing this."

"Anything for know that."

"Same here. Well, go enjoy your night, nephew. I will see you then."

"Ok. Love you."

"Love you more."

I can tell something was bothering her and I'm sure it has something to do with Begonia. She was retiring soon and the weight of giving up her pride and joy is breaking her down. Hopefully, I can help her find someone suitable to take over.


Guests were coming into the Hall for Sophia and Kendricks wedding. Devin and his parents were already seated. A year after the hidden camera debacle with Sophia's parents, her mother reached out to Monique to make amends and all was well with the two families. Their parents even double dated a few Devin's surprise.

"Devin? Sophia needs to talk to now." Her cousin stood in front of them.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

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