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Devin drove away from Begonia with a lot on his mind. He received a few calls from the three girls that he fired and told them he would think about bringing them back.

Up ahead was a red light so he slowed down to stop.

A man rode past slowly on a bike, something was hanging onto his back. Devin stared at the creature, it wasn't an animal nor was it human...

What the fuck?

Someone blew their horn reminding him the light was green. Devin drove off, hoping he wasn't losing his mind again.

Why don't you love me?

The voice was playing in his mind again, he tried his best to ignore it. When he looked in his rearview mirror, eyes were looking back at him.


Devin immediately pulled over and looked behind him. She was no longer there. He shook his head looking forward as it began to thunder and rain outside. He sat back and closed his eyes, trying to regain his composure.

The rain began to slow down just as fast as it started. Devin looked out the passenger side window....the old woman with the white hair stood on the sidewalk looking at him.

Devin got out of the car....she was still there. He closed the door and made his way across the street where she was standing.

"Follow me," she said before turning around and going into one of the brownstones.

"Oya Ogou."

Devin read the sign of the building she went into...he soon followed.

Inside had the makings of an African Priestess. His father used to study about it and show Devin books and pictures as a child.

There were tribal pictures on the wall with skulls, human and animal alike. Candles of different sizes were all over the place along with burgundy draped walls.

"Have a seat."

The old lady was already sitting at a round table that was in the middle of the floor. Devin did as she said.

"You have been marked by a demon. You are now chosen for the responsibility of taking souls."

"Excuse me?"

"What is your demon's name?"

Devin sat confused.

"Who talks but is never seen by you?"

She knows I talked to Ollie?

"So, Ollie is his name..."

Devin's eyes grew wide. "You could hear me?"

"Yes. That demon was born to you for your protection as you fulfill your new purpose to the Demon Realm."

"What demon?...Wait, are you talking about Ollie? He's a demon?!"

"Why do you think you keep having those dreams? Where do you think your powers come from?"

Devin sat there feeling like his world was being ripped open. He never really questioned Ollie's existence as a child. But everything the woman was saying was making sense.

How else would Ollie be able to take over my body?

"What am I and why was he born to me?"

"You are the future ruler of the Underworld."

"Ruler of the Underworld?"

"The demon latched onto you on was his duty to protect the future Ruler of the Underworld. The Underworld is the test to all souls on whether they will go to the Spiritual Realm or Demon Realm."

"I don't believe that..."

"But you believe in Ollie and talk to him daily....why is it so hard to believe you're the Underworld's King?"

His life flashed before his eyes and soon things began to make sense. The powers Ollie caused Devin to display were of a very dark nature. The dreams, hallucinations, death and the desire for power were revealing the truth of the old woman's words.

Dev, it's all true.

Ollie, you're a demon?

Yes, I am. I was sent to you by the Demon realm. You drowning at 12 years old wasn't an accident. It happened for the sole purpose of connecting to you.

Devin sat quiet taking in Ollie's words.

So who really are you?

I am Osmodeus, your chosen guardian.

Devin sat silent again.

So our friendship is all a lie?

No Dev, our friendship made our bond stronger. You are more than just the future ruler of the are my brother. I will give my life for you without hesitation.

What about my parents?

They are still your birth parents. The Demon King planted the seed in your mother and your father fertilized it.....

"This cannot be happening," Devin said out loud.

"Everything he says is true. You just need to accept it....not accepting it will not change the truth."

The old woman poured liquor into a shot glass, pushing it in his direction.

"Something to calm your nerves."

Devin immediately took the drink, downing it in one gulp.

"You already formed your alliance with the Demon King. Now you just have to accept the throne that waits for you."

"Already formed an"

"The lives that you've taken and the young woman that sacrificed hers for yours....I think Sophia was her name."

"WHAT?! I didn't take her life!"

No, you didn't...but she took it for you. What greater sacrifice than giving your own life for someone else.

Devin shook his head then got up from the table. The things she and Ollie were saying were too much for him to handle.

Before he could walk away, his body was snatched from where he was standing and everything went dark.

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