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Devin sat in his office at Abrams & Davis, an accounting firm

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Devin sat in his office at Abrams & Davis, an accounting firm. The flights back and forth to Vegas were starting to catch up to him. He didn't get up as early as he used to and spent more time sleeping in on the weekends. Thankfully, being a partner at the firm was the opposite of what he imagined. He thought it would create more of a workload but all he really did was approve projects, budgets and attend meetings. The only time things got hectic for him was tax season. And even then, that wasn't as bad compared to when he first started in the company.

You need to get laid...why don't you call up Heather or Stephanie?

Devin didn't feel like being bothered. Ironically, sex was the last thing on his mind getting Begonia ready for opening. The last dream he had felt so real that it was causing him to question his sanity. Ollie never seemed to know what he was talking about when Devin mentioned it.

He recently got approved for a "temporary hiatus" from his government duties, which was another bittersweet situation. But he needed as much free time as possible for mental rest.

"Mr. Davis, we're ordering lunch, would you like anything?" His receptionist asked, standing in his doorway.

"No, thank you. Actually, Bethany....I'm leaving early today. I have some things I need to take care of. Please send the meeting minutes from yesterday to Scott."

Bethany nodded. "Enjoy the rest of your day, Sir."

Devin sat outside of the cafe, enjoying his afternoon. It was a sunny day with a nice breeze as a handful of people walked by here and there. Some walk their dogs, chat with their friends or just take an afternoon stroll. His phone rang, Kitten popped across the screen...

"Hey, Sophie. What's up?"

"No, it's her husband...Kendrick."

The fuck does he want?

Devin met Kendrick a few times, mostly unexpectedly. He always was cordial and respectful towards him, even though Kendrick would give sly remarks. Devin didn't take offense, he figured he was just marking his territory....he understood.

"Good afternoon, Kendrick. What's the reason for you calling from Sophia's phone?"

"I figured you'd answer...."

"Where's Sophia?"

"That's what I was calling to ask you."

"Why would I know where she is?"

"You are her friend aren't you or did something change?"

Devin smirked. "No, we're still friends but I don't know her whereabouts."

"Well, just in case you run into her, tell her to call her husband."

Devin didn't answer and hung up. Now he was worried about her....the fact she left without taking her phone didn't sit well with him.

Should've been knocked his ass out.

Yeah, I agree.

Later...Devin walked through the parking garage talking to Sophia's mother. "No, ma'am, but if I hear or see anything I will call you."

When Devin got to his hall, he saw Sophia peeking from around the corner.

"I have to go Mrs. Mill, but please let me know if you hear from her."

She walked from around the corner and it was like he was seeing her for the first time, but the closer she got his awe turned into anger. She had a bruise covering her left eye.

"Hi Devin...I'm sorry to bother you...." Before she could finish he opened his arms and she ran into them. Her sobs filled the hall.

"It's ok..let's get you inside," Devin opened his door while still holding her in the other arm. She was trembling and holding onto him tight.

Sophia took a shower and changed into one of Devin's t-shirts and nylon shorts. She sat on his sofa snuggled up with a blanket and some peppermint tea. She didn't have much of an appetite so the tea was perfect for her nerves. Devin finished up some work on his laptop and sat next to her in comfortable clothes as well.

"I know you're wondering what happened. I found out Kendrick was cheating, which isn't a surprise. He's never been faithful to me even when we dated. I even asked him why he wanted to marry me if he didn't want to be with one woman. He said because I belonged to him and since he was my first, he was going to make sure he was my only."

Devin grinned. "Your first and only, huh?"

"Yeah, well I told him he was neither of those things and...." she pointed to her eye.

"I didn't tell him who the person was even though he kept asking....I don't understand why he is so obsessed with controlling me. I've always been submissive and faithful to him...I just don't get it."

"You know when I see him...." Devin looked at her.

"No, you won't see him cause I'm not going back. I just need some time to find a place and look for a job then I will be out of your hair....I just can't go back home." Sophia sipped her tea, her hands began to shake.

"You can stay here as long as you need to. You know that."

She put her tea on the table. "Thank you Devin, I promise I won't take long."

"Stop worrying about that....I'm happy you're here. I wish it was under better circumstances but you know I got you."

Sophia moved closer to hug him. After all these years he's still her voice of reasoning and comfort.

"I love you, Devin."

"Love you too, Kitten."


After three weeks, Sophia found a job and was scheduled to move into her new apartment the following week. Devin offered her a job at his company but she refused. She did allow him to get her a divorce lawyer and a new phone.

"Capriano said the divorce papers were sent out to Kendrick last week. Thankfully, he can't call me," she said as she took the baked seasoned chicken out of the oven.

Devin smiled at her then continued typing on his laptop. Sophia made his plate and sat it on the counter, while opera music played on music choice.

"This looks and smells really good." He moved his laptop to the side to focus on eating.

Sophia sat and watched him eat...she loved cooking for him. The excitement of moving into her own place was only dampened by the thought of not seeing him everyday. Many nights she laid in his guest room wondering what life would be like as Mrs. Davis or even just his girlfriend. Devin was a busy man but she would take any time he wanted to give her. She would have dreams of waking up to him touching and kissing her body or sneaking into his room, under his covers to put his cock in her mouth. Sophia remembered the first time she saw it...she was terrified. He gave her pain and alot of pleasure that night......if only she could have that feeling again.

"Sophie...are you ok?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm sorry, just a lot on my mind." She snapped out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, I see." Devin smiled and she blushed as usual.

He liked seeing her happy again, it was like old times. Kendrick has called Devin numerous times once he found out she was staying at his thanks to her cousin. Of course, the voice messages he left were in poor taste. Threats of what he was going to do to Devin, pleading for him to understand his situation or how much he loved his wife. Devin thought the voice messages were entertaining so he listened, had a few laughs then deleted them. But something inside of him wouldn't rest.

Ollie, I think we need to take a little ride tomorrow.

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