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Natalia's out front?

Devin looked confused but got up to see why she was there. Yeah, he knew his mother said her name wrong...he didn't care enough to correct her.

Natalia stood on the front step, he had to admit she was physically a very beautiful girl. But once he's turned off, there's no turning back.

She turned around and her eyes lit up when she saw him. "Baby, you cut your looks good."

Devin didn't respond; he just looked at her with a blank expression.

"Oh, you're probably wondering why I'm here."

"Obviously. What's up?" He asked.

"You're not going to invite me in first?" Natalia's lips started to pout. Devin rolled his eyes and turned to go back in the house.

"Ok, ok! Listen, this past year has been really great for me and I've been achieving all the goals I have set for myself. My family is doing great, I have an amazing boyfriend and my modeling career is starting to take off. But....." She stopped and looked down thinking of how she was going to express her thoughts.

"It always feels like something is missing. I can't really enjoy everything because you're what's missing. I remember telling you all the things I wanted to do and you were always encouraging me to go for it. I never forgot that Devin." She looked into his eyes.

This was the second time he saw sincerity in her eyes. The first time was when she told him about being sexually abused as a child.

Devin still didn't respond, he waited for her to get to the point.

"I know we didn't end on great terms, but I'm willing to let that go if you will. I'm not saying I want to be your girlfriend, I mean....I do have a boyfriend already. I just wanted to know if it's possible for us to be friends again."

Is she serious right now? Ha! Dude must not be hitting right.

"Natalia, we never were really friends. Other than intercourse, what have we ever done together?" Devin asked.

Her eyes got wide. "We talked a lot and spent alot of time together."

"You talked a lot, I listened. And we spent a lot of time together doing what?"

"Devin, you're being really mean. I matured a lot and I thought you have too. I guess I was wrong."

"If playing the victim makes you feel better than fine and me being honest with you is not being mean. Natalia, you know our relationship was always one sided." Devin grabbed Natalia's hand, pulling her in for a hug. She instantly wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed the side of her face to his chest. She closed her eyes, inhaling his scent that she missed so much.

"Look, I don't have a problem with you and we can be cordial. But I'm not faking a friendship." Natalia opened her eyes and looked up at him. She wanted to kiss him but couldn't risk being rejected again.

Natalia let him go. "So, we can't be friends?"

"Not the way you want us to be. What would your boyfriend think if he could see what you're doing right now?"

With those words Natalia walked away and got back into her car. After Devin went back into the house, she sat there for a good ten minutes. Tears of guilt formed in her eyes, knowing she wanted to be more than friends with Devin.

That hug made her realize she did love him....but now it was too late.


The next day Devin got up early to go jogging and run some errands. While in the store his phone rang and on the screen "Kitten" came up, he smiled then answered.

"Hey Sophie, how'd the test go?"

"Hi, Devin. I passed!" she said excitedly.

Before Devin graduated, Sophia cried and voiced to him her sadness about him leaving. She thought she would never see him again, so he gave her his number to keep in contact and she stuck to it. They'd texted each other everyday during the week and talked when Devin had free time. Three years later and now she was a freshman in college.

"I wish I was back home to see you. I miss you so much." She hasn't seen him in a year.

"Aww Kitten. We'll meet up soon."

Sophia blushed at his words, she loved when he called her that.

"I hope so. I finally went on a date with Kendrick."

"Oh yeah? How was it?" Devin was curious.

"It was nice. He was a gentleman the whole time and made me feel comfortable."

"I'm happy to hear that." Devin smiled.

Sophia confiding in Devin was nothing new. She told him everything and always accepted any advice he would give her. Ten times out of ten, he usually was right.

They continued their conversation and Devin asked her about her latest anime binge watch. He wasn't into anime but listening to her excitement about it made him smile.

He purchased his items and made his way out of the store when a black SUV pulled up in front of him. Two men got out of the truck dressed in army uniforms.

"Devin Davis?" One of the men asked.

Uh oh, remember that long ass algorithm you solved for Mr. Hans? I think that's why they're here.

What?! But the whole class did the same math problem.

Man, I knew something was up.

"Sir, are you Devin Davis?" the soldier asked again.

"Yes, I am. What's the problem?" Devin stood with the phone still to his ear.

"We have some important matters to speak to you about...classified matters. Please come with us."

"Sophie, I'll call you back." Devin hung up and put his phone in his pocket.

"Classified matters? Why me?"

"Please get in Mr. Davis. We'll explain that to you once we reach headquarters."

You should see what they want, they need you for something.

Although hesitant, he listened to Ollie and got into the SUV.

Once in the truck they put a black bag over his head and sped off.

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