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After the night we spent together, Mina called off her wedding. Seeing her so happy and free was satisfying to witness.

Surprisingly, her parents understood and didn't push, which made things easier for Mina to stick with her decision.

It's been a few days since I've seen Mina. I do miss her but wanted things to settle down before we started officially being together. I'm not sure if Ericson or any of my brothers knew that I was part of the reason for her decision, but I was sure our father knew.

It was darkness in the sky as I pulled up in front of Begonia. I sat in my car, admiring everything that it has become. The women who worked here seemed to become even more beautiful and carried themselves with value and sophistication. This created the perfect atmosphere to attract clients of status and wealth.

That's all I wanted for my be treated with respect and valued for their services.

My dark angels stood on each side of the entrance, waiting to greet me.

My Lord.

They both bowed once I stood in front of them. We always mentally communicate.

Thank you both for your unyielding loyalty.

I sent a recharge of my energy through both of them, which showed a sign of trust. They both kneeled in respect, and I kneeled with them.

We are family. I said as they both looked into my eyes.

Thank you, my Lord. But we are not worthy.

I stood already, knowing they would remain humble, not accepting the title.

Please stand. I walked into Begonia.

"Good evening, Boss."

I gave a nod to Bull and continued toward my office. Bull and Shane had some knowledge of my supernatural abilities and were used to me showing it from time to time.

I inhaled the scent of pineapples and smiled at the ladies, making sure the atmosphere was inviting. Although I've been away for a while, I was slowly beginning to get back to a normal routine.

Just like clockwork, some of the ladies made their way to my office. I'm not going to lie... I missed them too. There were so many personalities all at once, but I could handle them... That's why they respected me.

Four of the ladies remained in my office, laughing and talking with each other. They periodically asked me questions about upcoming events and meetings for the year.

"Daddy, you haven't told me when we're going to dinner."

"I haven't?"

Nikki shook her head.

This year, I decided for each of the Begonia beauties' birthdays, I would treat them to an all expense paid trip wherever they wanted to go or dinner with me.....So far it's been dinner.

"How about Thursday?"

She smiled. "Perfect!"

I need to see my son....NOW!

The Demon King's voice rang in my ears. I did my best not to flinch.

"Ok, ladies, that'll be enough for the day. I need to go take care of some business."

They all left, and I locked my office door. A dark portal formed behind me, and I walked through. Frost from the gateway stung my face and hands, then the warmth followed.

As soon as I stepped into the Realm, I was blasted back towards the stone walls.

"You thought I was going to let you slide?"

Ericson's voice filled my ears. Before I could stand completely, a fist hit my face and a knee slammed into my stomach. The force took my breath away.

"I know what you did with Mina....I knew you were jealous all along."

"That was her choice." I tried to catch my breath.

A fist hit my face again, and my cheek stung, and my vision became blurry, causing me to lose balance and fall to my knees.

"My son, you went against your family for something as replaceable as are weak."

The Demon King's words ignited me to get on my feet. I was tired of his hypocrisy.

"Why would I need to be loyal to someone that hates me?"

Ericson tried to attack again but I was ready. Once my fist hit his face, his body hit the ground.

"Is this why you called me here? For him?"

Soon all my other brother's moved from the shadows...all seventeen of them.

"No, this is why I summoned you here....They are here to teach you some respect."

All of their eyes began to glow as smirks formed on some of their faces.


Ericson slowly got to his feet, stretching his mouth to make sure his jaw wasn't broken.

"You ruined the opportunity for our realm to gain more power and souls. Me marrying Mina was greater than just me getting a wife, I was getting the rights to the Spiritual Realm."

"Her father wouldn't have given you that."

"He probably wouldn't have wanted to but he would have had no choice but to honor my marriage to his daughter and all the laws that came with it."

Devin shook his head then looked at Ericson. "Well, she called the wedding off, so get over it."

"It will be back on, once I get rid of you."

"So you all are going to jump me?" Devin looked around.

"You walk around like you're we want to put that to the test."

Devin realized that he was now up against all eighteen of them. His heart raced as he looked each of them in the eyes. Different heights, weights and sizes surrounded him and he suddenly felt closed in.

"I hope you're ready, my son. And fellas don't take it easy on him either."

Fuck...this is really about to happen.

Devin took a deep breath as the first attack came his way.

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