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Devin was surprised but stayed calm, he figured since the information was classified, the location would be too. The drive was quiet while Ollie kept Devin abreast of the soldiers' thoughts.

It's a blank slate Dev. They've gone completely muted mentally. How the fuck is that possible?

I'm sure they're trained to be focused and out of their heads. But why would they need to do that with me around?

Soon the truck came to a stop and the black bag was taken off once Devin got out of the truck.

A tall tan building stood in front of him, one of the soldiers grabbed Devin's upper arm, taking him into the building. They took an elevator to the tenth floor that opened up to a long hallway of metallic epoxy floors and on both sides were people wearing lab coats behind glass.

Devin looked around as he walked, taking photo memories of what his eyes were seeing. While passing by the glass, he saw the same reflection he'd seen the night he cut his locs. Fully black eyes and red protruding veins. He quickly blinked his eyes and his reflection went back to normal.

It's happening again.

They walked into a wrought iron single door where there was a spacious room and a big desk that sat in front of a grandeur window view.

"Have a seat. Dr. Howard will be with you soon." Both soldiers walked out of the room.

Devin couldn't think of a reason the government would want to speak to him. He still remained calm even while facing the unknown intentions of the situation.

"Ah, Mr. Davis. It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for coming on such short notice." Mr. Howard was an older man of east Asian descent. Devin shook his hand.

"I'm sure you are curious why we asked you here." Dr. Howard walked over to his desk, offering Devin the seat in front of it. He sat down and took a red file out of the desk drawer then placed it in front of Devin. He opened the file, inside were his school records from kindergarten to present.

"We've been following you for a long time, Mr. Davis. We hoped that you were exceptional at mathematics, but you have exceeded our expectations. The brain wave tests that were taken during your psychiatric sessions as a child were way above average, which isn't unheard of but still rare nonetheless."

Devin sat quietly waiting for Dr. Howard to continue.

"When you applied for college we made sure to enroll you in a specific scientific and mathematical course, that would test your strengths but not draw too much attention to you. The test that you were given has been taken in the U.S by 2,000 students in the past 50 years. Only forty have ever passed the test with four being from your state. Two who have already passed from old age and illness, me and now you."

You're a freaking genius Dev! Hahaha!

"Am I in trouble?" Devin asked.

Dr. Howard laughed. "Oh're not in trouble but you are very needed. We want you to continue your studies and graduate college. In the summer you will start training and hopefully become a part of the mathematical science team."

"I'm assuming there's compensation? I do want to make a living for myself after college." Devin put his file back on the desk.

"Absolutely. I'm sure you will be very pleased. This title will not keep you from your regular life. You can still get a career in the degree you're studying for and participate part time with the team. But we will talk more and go into detail later. You've already been informed that this is classified, so keep what you hear and see to yourself. Are there any questions you have right now?"

"No...but I will make sure to have a few ready when I return." Devin got out of his seat and was told they would be in touch for his next visit.

The black bag was placed back over his head once he was back in the SUV. He wondered if this would be a recurring thing whenever he was brought there.

They pulled back up to the store where he was picked up from, when he got in his car his phone suddenly began to sound off with notifications.

Was my phone signal cut off that whole time?

Yeah, that sounds about right bro.

He had 12 missed calls within 2 hours. He called his parents, but decided not to call back his guy friends. Devin knew it was to go to a party or something...definitely not his thing.

He drove off and his phone rang..."Kitten" came across the screen. He answered.

"I'm sorry, I know you said you would call me back, but I just got this weird vibe and was worried about you. Are you ok?" she softly asked.

Devin grinned. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for checking on me. What are you doing?"

"Nothing at the moment. My parents left this morning for their vacation so I'm here by myself for a few days."

I smell new pussy on the horizon......come on, Dev, go over there.

Devin rolled his eyes at Ollie's words.

"Oh ok...good for you. I'm sure you'll find something to occupy your time."

He wasn't going over there unless she asked.

I knew Sophia liked me since she was 15 and I figured she wanted me to come over there tonight. She was a sweet girl who was outgoing in every other aspect in life until it came to me. I understood she was shy with me and I wasn't going to initiate anything romantic or sexual with her. But, I would definitely finish it.

"Yeah, I guess I will find something to do."

There was silence on the other end after she said that....He smiled again.

She's scared to ask me to come over.

The fuck man?! Just take ya ass over there.

No, not until she invites me.

"Well, I will talk to you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day." He concluded and hung up.

You know she's scared to make the first this rate you're basically asking someone else to smash her cherry.

Ollie, we already had this discussion. And why are you so determined to take her virginity?

We never had virgin pussy before....and I'm curious.

Just curious?, you can mentally and physically mold her into anything you want her to be. Damn, that turns me on thinking about it.

You're mental.....Just because she's a virgin doesn't mean she'll be easily influenced after losing it.

Yeah, if she was losing it to someone else, but it's you. Don't be a fucking buzzkill, Dev.

Devin laughed.

How are you so sure it will be me?

Devin's phone began to ring and he answered without looking at who called.


"Hey Dev, I'm sorry, it's me again. Ummm, I was wondering if you'd like to come over tonight?" Sophia shyly asked.

Trust me, I just know.

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