Chapter 2//The Avengers

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{{Ellie POV}}

As we get closer to the voices, I think over my decisions earlier today. I regret them all, because I really do not want to be here. "Come on, Ellie." Maria says. I lick my chapped lips, regretting that decision too, because now they sting. We arrive in front of where the voices were coming from, and they suddenly stop. I swallow, fear rising in my chest.

God, how I wish I could start the day over.

"Who is this?" I hear a man say. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to control the panic. I let go of Maria's hand, feeling my temperature rise. "This is Ellie." Maria says. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

I'm so screwed. My temperature is rising, and I have no idea what to do to calm down. I can not afford to panic right now, but was I still panicking? Yes, yes I was.

"Hello? Is she mute or something?" another man says. "I am not mute." I snap, anger replacing the fear and panic in my chest. "Then why weren't you speaking?" the same man says. I take a deep breath, knowing I can't afford my anger to spike any higher. "None of your business, alright?" I say, calming down slightly. Slightly.

"Maria, who is this?" a woman says. "I'm Ellie." I say, turning my head towards the woman's voice. "Ok, Ellie. What are you doing here?" the woman asks. I hear something creak, then footsteps coming towards me. "Apparently, I'm too dangerous to be in the real world." I say, turning my head towards where I thought Maria was at the last two words. I feel a hand grab my arm, and I yank my arm away. "Don't touch me." I say. "Why is your skin so hot?" the woman says. I turn my head towards her voice, and feel my hand heat up. I hold my hand up, and hear gasps around the room. "Fire?" a third man says, with what I believe to be disbelief in his voice. I nod, forcing myself to calm down before I set everything on fire.

I lick my lips again, and they sting again. "Can I leave?" I say quietly. "No, Ellie. I already told you that you would be staying here." Maria says. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Hold up. Did you even confirm this with anybody?" the first man says. "Yes, I did. I cleared it with Fury." Maria says.

I zone out as everybody starts talking, wishing I wasn't in the current position I was in. There is a muffled boom several yards above the room I was currently standing in, and I listen curiously.

*sorry for the short chapter*

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