Chapter 9//Happy Birthday!

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I'M FINALLY OUT OF MY SLUMP! I've gotten several chapters, and I'll try to start updating regularly again!

{{Timeskip//Ellie POV}}

"Happy birthday, Ellie!" I hear Natasha say. I groan, rolling over in my bed. "It's too early, Natasha." I say, feeling the blanket being peeled away from me. "Leave me alone!" I groan, pulling the blanket back up. "Come on, it's 10 in the morning, Ellie!" Natasha says. I scowl, sitting up. I rub my eyes, yawning. I hear Natasha walking out of my room, then the quiet click of the door shutting. I get out of my bed, pulling on a clean pair of jeans and a jacket. I grab the foldable cane that's always beside my bed, too tired to use my hands on the walls. I walk out of my room, unfolding the cane and yawning. I walk down the hall, pulling at the neck of my jacket, the tip of my cane clicking on the floor.

I make my way to the kitchen, smelling pancakes. "Mmmm, pancakes!" I say, sitting at the table, squishing next to somebody, who turns out to be Loki. I put my elbow on the table, my head leaning on my hand. "Well, I'm glad that you're happy about the pancakes." Tony says, and I hear the clink of a plate being set on the table in front of me. I grab a fork, and eat my pancakes, listening to the conversations going around the table. After I finish eating, I yawn, blinking furiously.

{{Loki POV}}

I try not to stare at Ellie, who's sat beside me. Ellie eats her pancakes, smiling, her eyes darting around the table. "I know you like her." Natasha whispers in my ear, making me jump. "What? No. Why would you say that?" I whisper back. "Probably the fact that you whispered instead of saying it outloud?" Natasha suggests. I curse myself, knowing that she was right. "Why don't you tell her?" Natasha whispers. I shrug, not wanting to tell her. Not knowing what to tell her.

I look to the other side of me, seeing Ellie yawning, stretching her arms above her head. I watch Ellie put her head down, smiling. "Today is going to be a good day." I hear Ellie mumble, her eyelids drooping. "Why haven't you talked to her?" I hear Natasha whisper in my ear. "She hasn't talked to me!" I retort. Natasha rolls her eyes, jabbing me in the side. "That's not the point. We've all seen the way you look at her. Why are you ignoring her?" I huff, jabbing Natasha back. "Because she is the one who doesn't want to talk to me. I'll let her make the first move if she wants to talk to me." I say. "She's a teenager. Teens are stubborn, and won't try making the first move. You've got to drop the petty, and be a man. I feel like it would make her birthday the best ever." Natasha insists. I roll my eyes, deciding to talk to Ellie later. Not right now, she looks so peaceful.

{{Ellie POV}}

I lay my head down, listening to the conversation going on right next to me. I know I'm sitting next to Loki, he radiates cold, though I can't figure out why. The only side of the conversation I can hear is Loki's, as Natasha is being incredibly quiet. Stupid spy training. I slowly scooch closer to Loki, ending up with my side pressed against his. I feel Loki relax, and I smile. I feel a hand petting my hair, and I feel my muscles relax. "Come on Ellie. It's time for your presents." I hear Natasha say. I whine, comfortable. "Noooo." I say, feeling a tug on my jacket sleeve. "Come on!" Natasha says. "I don't want toooo. I'm comfy right here!" I shoot back. I hear a few groans, and a chuckle beside me. I smile, snuggling closer to Loki.

"Fine. We'll bring the presents over here." Natasha says. I hear footsteps going back and forth between the room I'm in and the living room, and hear the thunk of a box being placed on the table. I knit my eyebrows, reaching for where I heard the box. "Not yet, Ellie." I hear a whisper, sending shivers down my spine. "Okay." I say, sitting back down. I hear a soft mrow, confusing me even more. "I didn't know we had a cat." I say. I hear Tony curse, and Natasha groan. "Looks like the kitty ruined the surprise." Clint says, laughing. I hear a smack, then hear Clint groan.

{{Loki POV}}

Natasha smacks Clint upside the head, and Clint groans. "Why would you ruin it?!" I hear Stark say. I grab the box off the table, handing it to Ellie very carefully. "You might as well open it." I say. "Are you sure?" I hear Ellie say, her hands already on top of the box. "Yes, princess. Go ahead and open it." I say. Ellie nods, slowly taking the top of the box off. The head of a cat pokes out the top, bumping Ellie's hand. Ellie pauses, tipping her head to the side. The cat does the same, causing me to laugh. "What's so funny?" Ellie asks. "It's imitating your movements." I explain, lifting the cat out of the box, into Ellie's lap. Ellie laughs, slowly petting the cat. "What are you going to name it?" I ask. "Well, it depends. Is this a boy or a girl?" Ellie asks.

"It's a female." I hear Natasha say. "Then I think I'll name her Lady. Classic, but cute." Ellie says after a minute. "That's nice." I say glaring at Natasha, who puts her hands up.

{{Timeskip//Ellie POV}}

It's been fun today. I got some books that are in Braille, a necklace from Loki (which made my heart swell), a few things for a cat, and a cat, which is sitting on my lap. I scratch behind Lady's ears, hearing her purr loudly. I laugh, picking her up and walking to the other side of the couch. I feel the cold radiating off the person in front of me, letting me know it was Loki. I plop the cat in his lap, earning an indignant sound. I sit down next to Loki, grabbing Lady. "Hi." I say, cuddling closer.

He finally talked to me today, making this the best birthday ever. I hear a grunt from Loki, then the sound of pages flipping quickly. "What's got your panties in a twist?" I ask. "The fact that I just lost my spot in my book." Loki says. "Sorry." I say, hugging Lady gently. I feel Lady squirm out of my arms, and stalk away from me. "Awww, why are you leaving me Lady?" I say. "Looks like she likes me more." Loki says, surprise in his voice. I laugh, gently grabbing Lady. Mrooooow. "Oh come on!" I say as Lady jumps out of my hands again. "Fine." I say. I hear Loki laugh, and feel Lady on my lap again. I feel the retreat of cold hands, and Lady curling up on my lap. I smile, putting my head on Loki's shoulder.

"Why were you ignoring me?" I ask. "I thought you didn't want to talk to me." Loki says after a silent minute. "I thought you had decided you hated me." I whisper. "What? No! I could never. You're so kind, and funny, and- and-" Loki says, trailing off, and I smile. "And what?" I say. "And the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Loki says so quietly I can barely hear him. I kiss his hair, grabbing Lady and walking to my room, a smile on my face.

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