Chapter 4//Bullshit

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{{Ellie POV}}

    "So who was he?" I ask for the sixth time, and still get no answer. "Come on. I only know the name of one person here, and it's you." I say. "He's nobody important." Thor says. I fake sneeze, then hope to god I have Thor's attention. "I'm sorry, but I'm allergic to your utter bullshit." I say. I hear Thor stop in his tracks, but I don't back down. "What did you say to me?" Thor says. "I know god damn well you heard me." I say. Somehow, with every breath I breathe in that moment made my bravery grow.

    "Lady, I would advise you to shut your mouth before you say something you'll regret." Thor says. I stand on my toes, hoping to make myself look taller, but only managing to fall backwards. "DAMMIT!" I yell, trying to get up. I heard laughs coming from the direction of where I thought Thor was, and I flipped him off. "Stop laughing at the blind girl." I say, getting to my feet. I honestly did not want to tell anybody, but they would figure it out sooner or later. The laughing stops, and I smirk. "Didn't see that coming, did you? Why did you think I was holding on to your hand like it was a lifeline?" I say. I turn around to stomp off, my hand on the wall to guide me, when I feel a hand grab the back of my shirt.

    Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

    I feel my muscles tense, and my mouth goes dry. I heard footsteps, but couldn't make myself move. "Thor, let go of the kid." a man says. "You ok?" says the approaching voice. I swallow dryly, nodding my head as my heart starts beating faster and I can barely breathe at this point. "Kid, listen to me." I heard the voice say, but it's quieter now. Farther away. "Are you ok?" I try to say something, anything, but my voice is lost. My mouth opens, but no sound comes out. I try to move, but can't.

I can't do anything, and I hate it. I hate the feeling of being trapped, and that's what I am. I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling tears stream down my face.

I could hear the quiet of the apartment. It was never this quiet, and that's what scares me. The quiet means she's coming, and I can't do anything about it. I hear the swish of a knife, and I know that she's close. "Mum, please." I beg, backing up into the wall. "No. You, Ellie, ruined my life." my mom says. I know that no matter how much I beg and plead, she's still going to try and kill me.

"Mum!" I yell. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" she yells right back, and I shrink. I hear the thunk of the knife landing next to my ear, and I scream in fear. I feel my fear turn into panic, and the panic grows every second. With that panic, so does my heartbeat, and my internal temperature. I feel myself burst into flames, hear the screams of my mom over the crackling of the fires, but I don't care. There's only one thing in my mind, whispering 'Hurt her. Hurt her like she hurt you. Burn her. Hurt her, Ellie.'

I feel a slap across my face, and I instinctively flinch back. Everything comes rushing back, and now I feel horrible. "Don't do that, Natasha. That'll only make it worse." a voice said. I groan, my head pounding. "Looks like it woke her up, Tony." a woman's voice says. I open my eyes, just to show them that I am, in fact, fine. "Oh look, she's moving." the woman says, a smirk in her voice. "Haha." I say, my throat hoarse. "Where the heck am I?" I ask after a second. "The infirmary." a man's voice says. "Okay. Can I go?" I say. "More important question: How old are you?" the man's voice says again. "Sixteen." I say. "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen!" I protest, not wanting to seem helpless. "Bullshit." he says. I sigh, knowing that I'm digging a hole for myself. "Fourteen." I whisper.

{{Loki POV}}

    It's been a day since the girl came out of the lab, her head down. I try to ignore the urge to check on her, but it gets to be too much. I look around my room, before quietly walking out, and down the hall towards hers. I quietly knock on her door, and hear a loud "LEAVE ME ALONE!" from the other side. I walk back to my room, at least knowing she's alive. She was probably expecting somebody else. At least I hope she knows that somebody respects personal space around here.

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