Chapter 13//HELP

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{{Ellie POV}}

    "NED!" I yell, not hearing his footsteps. I hear a loud crack, and hear a crash. I start panicking, scared out of my mind. "HELP!" I scream. "HELP!" I scream over and over. I breathe in to scream again, then start choking on the smoke. "HELP!" I choke out. "HeLp- I can't breathe." I say, falling onto my knees. I hear another crash, and feel something fall onto my leg, trapping me. "HeLp Me!" I cough, barely able to breathe. I take as deep of a breath as I can, and scream as loud as I can. "HELP ME!" I feel tears running down my face, but I don't care. After a few more seconds of screaming, I give up, coughing. "I will not die today." I mutter, pulling my leg. "Ahhh!" I feel my leg pull, stretching the muscles. "Come on." I pull again, feeling my leg pop, then come out from under the thing holding it down. Tears run down my face, and I limp away as fast as I can.

    Where was the god damn exit?

    I limp towards the sound of screaming, but fall down again. I pull myself along, cursing my leg. "Help." I say, losing feeling in my fingers, my throat dry as sandpaper. I cough again, and can barely catch my breath after. I continue pulling myself along, my fingers numb.

{{Loki POV}}

    "Stark, please." "No. How many times am I going to have to say it? She'll be fine!" "No, because if she knows that somebody is inside, she'll try to save them, and she'll die in the process! She told me that if she could save somebody from a fire, she wouldn't even hesitate. Please, I just need to know that she's safe!" I say. "I swear, you are going to be the death of me." Stark mutters. "Please, I just want to know that she's safe." I beg. "Gah! Fine. Five minutes, no more." Stark says, pouring himself a drink. As soon as he finishes his sentence, I teleport to Ellie's school, seeing it burning to the ground. "Ellie!" a kid yells. "Ellie!" My heart drops, and I run towards the school, not caring that it would be insufferably hot.

{{Ellie POV}}

    "Help." I say, feeling my grip on consciousness slipping. I pull myself forward again, hearing the screams, and Peter yelling for me. I think of how crushed Loki would be, and I pull myself forward again. My head drops, my eyes closing. "I'm sorry." I say, hearing how quiet my voice is compared to the roaring fire all around me. I roll over, laying on my back, coughing my lungs out. "Ellie!" I hear a voice. "I'm sorry." I say. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I can feel tears prick my eyes, and I let them roll down my face. "Ellie!" The fire quiets, and I feel myself detach from the pain. I focus on the voice calling my name. "Ellie!" Was that Loki? "Help." I cough out. "Ellie!" I try to move, but can't. "I love you." I say, trying to move a finger. "Ellie!" Loki calls, making my heart break, hearing him cough and pant. "Get out of here." I cough. "Loki!" I called. "Ellie!" Loki says. I feel hands pick me up, carrying me out of the building. "Darling, that was incredibly stupid." Loki says. I cough, trying to get the smoke out of my lungs. I smile anyways, snuggling my face in Loki's chest.

{{Timeskip//Loki POV}}

    "Darling, please lay down." I say, looking at her. "Noo." Ellie says. "Ellie, please stay still." I say. "Whyyy?" Ellie whines, then coughs. "Because you're still healing." I say. "I'm absolutely fine, Loki." Ellie says, crawling out of her bed and sitting in front of the chair I'm in. "It's been 2 weeks. Of course I won't be done getting all the smoke out of my lungs." Ellie says, leaning her head on my lap. I pet her hair, hearing her breathing even out, still coughing every now and then. "I love you so much, princess." I whisper, and Ellie smiles. "I love you too, darling." Ellie says, keeping her eyes closed. "Do you want anything, my love?" I ask. "A hug?" Ellie says, turning her face towards mine. "That kid that was yelling. What was his name?" I ask, curious. "Peter. He's funny, but not as funny as you. He'll never be better than you at anything." Ellie says. I smile, amazed at how wonderful this woman is. "You do know I have to go back to school eventually, right?" I groan, hugging Ellie closer. "I'm serious, Loki." "I know, but how are they going to rebuild a school in two weeks?" I ask. "Fair point." Ellie says, leaning against my chest, her head on my shoulder.

{{Timeskip//Ellie POV}}

    "Alright! I am so close to burning off the hair of everybody right now! Who ripped up my teddy bear?" I yell, storming out of my room. "Darling, your hair is on fire." Loki says. "I DON'T CARE! SOMEBODY RIPPED UP MY TEDDY BEAR AND I'M GOING TO FIND OUT WHO!" "Darling, I believe I saw Lady coming out of your room with stuffing on her fur earlier."

God, that cat is trouble, but I love her.

"Oh. I guess I went a little overboard." I say, calming down significantly. "Yes, you did. You almost broiled Clint." I hear Natasha say. "Sorry, Clint!" I yell. "Apology not accepted, firecracker!" Clint's voice comes from the vents. "Whatever." I say, walking to the kitchen. "Hey, kiddo!" I hear Tony say. "Hey, Tony. Can you grab me a cup?" I ask, knowing my hands were most likely still burning hot. "Sure. Cold water?" Tony says, and I nod. Tony grabs a cup out of the freezer, filling it with cold water.

We'd started putting cups in the freezer after I accidentally melted a few too many cups after a meltdown. "Are you excited about school starting back up next week?" I shrug, not wanting to have to go back. Sure, I missed Peter and Ned, but I've been enjoying the break.

"Come on, it's been almost a year. Seriously, how do you feel?" Tony asks. "Well, I've missed my friends, but I've been enjoying the break from school. So... conflicted." I say. "Ok, that's fair." Tony says, going back to whatever he was doing. I place my cup on the counter, feeling a sneeze coming. "Oh shit." I say, covering my nose, and sneezing. For some reason, flames have started coming out my nose when I sneeze.

"Oh god! Kid, did you have to sneeze in the kitchen?" Tony says, beating out the flames I hadn't managed to cover. "Sorry." I say, grabbing my cup again, and finishing the water. "It's ok, kid. I know you didn't mean to." Tony says. I nod, walking back to the living room.

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