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I took a deep breath as I walked through the giant threshold. My hands gripped my bag tighter as I heard voices echoing louder while I walked through the halls.

"Oh! Someone's coming!" I heard one boy shout.

"I wonder whether it'll be a solo or a unit." Another one wondered.

I paused right around the corner, "You can do this.." I said to myself. I put my hand on my neck and hummed to the soft beating of my pulse.

Before I can gather second thoughts I put a foot in the door frame and walked in.

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Bang Sihyuk smiled when he saw the girl, "There she is."

Rain looked down at his papers, "Song Chaerin. Goes by Chaeri. Born in 2004."

"She's so young. But her visuals are amazing." Zico commented.

"She's been training for a little over a year. We casted her because we heard of her visuals and her academic levels. When we trained her, we gave her a private coach in each category." Bang Sihyuk explained.

"So no one knows about her?" Rain asked.

Bang Sihyuk shook his head, "Barely. Only the staff and I, and BTS know about her training status. She's amazing at dance."

Zico laughed, "So a secret weapon. Okay."

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In front of me were lots of boys. In fact all boys, most looked about my age.

I forced myself to keep walking. When I got to the glowing platform I jolted as it started moving.

"There's a girl?"

"Did anyone know that they're bringing in a girl?"

"This is unexpected."

"Is she a trainee like us?"

I felt my hands start shaking at all the whispered comments. I tried distracting myself by counting all of the boys sitting along the seats. 23. So I'm the 24th.

Luckily they all seemed kind. And as nervous as I was. I just took a deep breath and went to sit down.

I smiled and bowed to everyone who said hello to me. I quietly sat down next to a boy in a blue jacket. [for the sake of my story line let's just pretend he was sitting on the outside of his group.]


I jumped when I heard the voice. I turn to my side and see him talking to me, "Uhm hi." I mumbled back.

"I'm Jungwon." He said flashing a dimpled grin.

"I'm Chaeri." I said returning the smile.

We both gasped when the room turned red under the light, "We're not going to die are we?" I heard him joke to his unit which made me crack a smile.

We all let out different reactions as different screens started lighting up along the floor, "Dear 24 applicants, welcome." An automated voice suddenly.

"This is the stage of I-Land and this will be the place where you prove your skills. Beyond this gate is a place called I-Land, that only existed in our imaginations."

All of us turned our attention to the opening wall that led to some sort of doorway.

Okay they weren't lying about imaginations. I thought.

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