Chapter 6: Overloaded training

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I closed my eyes and wiped my forhead as the hot sun glared over me.  I was stuck stretching doing a split as mitsuri held me in place so i wouldn't move.

" relax your muscles more y/n. They are a bit tense" she says behind my ear as i shut my eyes to block the sun.

I did what she asked and she gently pushed my legs further making me wince.

" Now, don't hold your breath, take deep breaths in and out so your muscles and relax and not tense up. It hurts because its stretching each muscle around your pelvic area and thigh area. If you do this everyday the pain will fade away." She says her head hovering over my shoulder to see my face.

"O-ok, i see, you know maybe I'm too hard on myself" i spoke out without even thinking.

" You are, this is your 5th time stretching your legs so don't be hard on yourself you'll get there soon enough just let the process happen on its on" she says.

"After another minute we will take a break and drink some water to help hydrate your body to be able to have some energy back" she says trying to help me have more motivation.

I shuddered as i breathed out slowly, at the same time i felt mitsuri push my legs down even more close to hitting the ground.

I winced but did not faulter on my breathing or concentration. I felt my muscles stretch out near my pelvic area. The pressure that were on my waist helped push my body down the more i gently breathed out.

The minute long stretch felt like eternity. I squinted my eyes shut as i continued go hold the possition.

I felt Mitsuri focus on the task at hand until the minute was time up and slowly let go of my waist.

I exhaled feeling my muscles and tissues ache.

She helped me up before i curled my legs back sitting on them so i can relax my muscles and remove the tension.

"You did great! You'll make it yo the ground next stretching rep" mitsuri smiles handing over me a bamboo cup of water and Dango.

"Thank you" i breathed out taking the cup gladly and coating my throat with the cold liquid.

I looked up at the blue sky where there was no clouds but some small ones here and there dancing above the sky.

"You have training with tengen after your short break so I suggest eating down of what you can" mitsuri warns sitting in front of me.

When spoke those words I ate practically  everything in front of me. Mitsuri didn't judge and was smiling the whole time as I ate every single piece of food left for me.

"Good, you'll need it for your energy" She says standing up. I stood up as well brushing off my haori.

She walked with me to the sound hashiras estate. Everything was quiet and it was a bit overwhelming  not being able to heat a single sound.

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