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AUGUST 25. 2018


leaving out of the bathroom, saint walked back into her room seeing kentrell stretched out over the bed. his phone began to ring indicting that someone was calling.

choosing to mind her business she sat on the bed as it continued. she desperately wanted to answer the phone, but didn't wanna see anything that would hurt her feelings.

the person started calling again and saint looked back at kentrell seeing that he was still knocked out . "fuck it" she mumbled grabbing his phone from off the dresser answering it.

"Kentrell Desean Mfn Gaulden! you seen me calling you back to back. did you take your medication or not boy?" sherhondra yelled causing saint to scrunch her face up.

medication ?

"h-hello" saint stuttered over her words scared that she had found out something she wasn't supposed too.

"oh saint! yea i was calling to see if kentrell took his medication lastnight and this morning. that boy forgets sometimes and can get snappy as hell"

"i didn't know he takes medicine... what's it for ?" she asked looking back to make sure he was still asleep. he started to stir around causing her to walk in the bathroom and close the door locking it.

she knew he would wake up soon once he realized she wasn't in bed with him.

"he has Clinical and Ocd. he can get overly obsessive and aggressive. sometimes depressed and not interested in certain activities, but that's every now and then. i thought he told you? well that's at least what he told me..."

Clinical depression/disorder: A mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.

Obsessively aggressive disorder: The condition is characterized by having aggressive, intrusive thoughts of doing violence to someone, as well as the responses the person uses to cope with these thoughts. OCD makes the individual feel that they can't trust their own mind.

"o- oh i mean yea, yea he told me! i must've forgot" she laughed nervously chewing on her bottom lip. saint had got so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear kentrell knocking at the door.

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