Twenty one

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As the night went on I had downed more wine than I could handle. 

Something about the taste was sweet and addicting, I couldn't get enough. In a way, the wine reminded me of Harry, and how addicting he was too. I pushed the thought away almost as fast as it floated through my head. I didn't need to think of Harry right now—  right now the only thing I was concerned about was having fun.

I was panting as I danced with Evander, twirling around and skipping in circles, making my dress flail about. I didn't have a care in the world.

I was currently trying to learn the dance to the song that was thumping throughout the ballroom by watching everyone else. My eyes periodically flickered to the feet of others, copying their movement with my own. The wine gave me more confidence than I have ever imagined having. Evander seemed to be a little tipsy as well. He had a giant smile plastered on his face as he danced around me, his copper hair a slight mess on his head. 

I haven't spoken to Harry in a few hours—  but I knew he was watching me. I could feel his eyes on me as he sat on his throne chair, towering above everyone else, and when I'd move out of view I'd feel my tattoo tingle as if he were searching for me. Every once in a while I'd catch a glimpse of the small smile he'd send me, as if I was sharing my fun with him too.

Harry wasn't the only person watching me though. I felt like half the room was. I couldn't figure out if it was because I was announced as the first witch to appear in over six hundred years and they were amazed by me, or if they concealed biases in their heads against me, hating me for being different, for being more powerful than them. Whichever one it is, I tried my hardest to ignore their stares, pretending that they simply didn't exist. 

The song ended and my face felt hot. I stumbled, Evander catching me by my arm and leading me away from the dancefloor. I turned my head, looking up to the dais at Harry. He was currently talking to someone below. It looked like he was in a heated discussion with Meccus, Fallon's father.

I turned my gaze away as Evander approached the wine table. He poured a glass of wine and extended it to me. I shook my head, "no thanks," I said. I had been dancing so much that I started to feel a little nauseated. I looked around the room, searching for the door that lead outside. "I'm going to step out for a bit," I announced to him. He nodded, bringing the glass of wine to his lips. 

I just needed some fresh air for a moment. The room was beginning to wobble, making my stomach gurgle. 

I headed towards one of the side doors that lead to the courtyard. As I walked I tried to focus on my feet, my posture, trying to make sure I didn't drunkenly stumble.

I sighed as a cool wind blew through me, catching in my hair and sending it wisping around. Autumn was coming, it won't be long until these summer nights come to a complete end. I stepped further into the courtyard, taking a deep breath of the midnight air. I looked up to the stars— to the moon. "Hello, friend," I spoke up at it.

My magic swirled under my skin as I took in the energy flowing from all the distant suns. It felt natural and healing. My heated face simmered slowly and my vision cleared up. I no longer felt nauseated, like the moon and all her stars had taken away my sickness. 

I frowned as I looked down at one of the many rose bushes. The coolness from the transitioning air was causing the flowers to shrivel up. I decided to practice my magic, waving my hand over bundles of rose bushes. I watched as many of the flowers sprung open, into full bloom. Pride encompassed me as I looked down at my work. 

I can't deny, it felt amazing to heal things, to help the flowers. Every time I did it I felt as if it released endorphins in my brain. I also can't believe how far I've come with my magic from my time being here.

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