Twenty five

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I almost stopped Olesia when she wiped my face with a wet cloth. 

Harry's kiss still lingered heavily on my skin. When I got back into my room my face was flushed with heat. I threw myself back on my bed with a smile tugging on the corners of my lips. The gold columns that made up my bedframe reminded me of him, of the gold crown he wore on his head. 

I didn't know what to believe or what to make of things. I was torn between believing the witch spirits and believing Harry. 

I stared at myself as Olesia began brushing through my hair. My eyes scanned over the necklace that was still clamped on my skin. Harry's necklace. Even through the mirror, I could see the stars twinkling brightly in the center of the pendant. My eyes trailed up as I watched that brown strand in my hair carefully, another piece of him I carried with me. Goddess help me this was becoming imperative. All I can think about is him.

I was drowning in everything he did, each encounter making it worse. My magic even fluttered under my skin when I thought about him. Cursed magnet he was to me. 

"You seem to have a bit more color in your face today than usual," Olesia noted, a suggestive smirk playing on her lips. 

"I've just been getting more sun here lately than I usually do," I said quickly, feeling my face heat. 

"Right," Olesia said sarcastically. Her straight black hair was unmoving as she spoke, "it has absolutely nothing to do with a certain prince whom you spend most of your time with."

I forced a smile, "nothing to do with that."

Olesia laughed, folding bits of my hair back so she could pin them in a particular spot. "It's okay, this castle has lots of eyes... and ears. He's been acting a little strange here lately. Word has it that all his attention has been shifted towards a new lover." She wiggled her brows at me.

"Certainly not," I said more steadily. Harry and I were definitely far from lovers. 

"Hmm," Olesia hummed, sliding a pin through my hair. She leaned down closer to my ear in a whisper, "we didn't like the old one that much anyway."

I changed dresses, putting on something more fitting for dinner attire. It was a dark-colored dress, with a lower cutting neckline than what I usually wore. The sleeves were long and ended in black lace that slightly frilled out around my wrists. 

I walked behind Olesia to the dining hall. I needed to make a mental note to tell her that I was alright with walking by myself now. I had been here long enough to know most of my way around. 

When I walked in, Harry was the only person sitting at the table. His eyes focused on me as I walked around to the seat I usually took next to Evander. I could feel his gaze trail on me, lowering down to stare at my bust. I tried to ignore it as my skin heated and my stomach fluttered.

"You can sit here," Harry said, motioning to Fallon's empty chair. I pressed my lips together, contemplating whether or not I should sit there. It almost seemed too soon, and I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea or thinking I was trying to take her spot. The servants were nosy enough.

As if Harry read my thoughts he said, "it's fine, just take a seat, it wouldn't make sense for you to be seated on that side."

I nodded, walking to the other side of the table and seating myself.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as I watched a servant come up and pour wine into my empty glass. My stomach churned at the sight of it, I don't think I could handle drinking again so soon.

"I'm not sure where Evander is, he usually doesn't miss meals. The rest of my court will no longer be eating with us. I want to make sure no one else bothers you enough for you to turn them into other inanimate objects." He gave me a sly look.

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