12. A Bit Protective

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We have quite a relaxing day today, it's the trip to the cinema to see Hacksaw Ridge. Not particularly interesting if you ask me but we wanted an excuse to go to the cinema.

We told the students to meet us at the cinema, everyone was more or less here, apart from Logan. Where is she?

I looked around for a few seconds before finding Logan.

She was crossing the road talking to someone and their dog.

I should probably go get her otherwise we'll be waiting ages for her.

I made my way over relatively quickly. It was only when I was about 2 metres away that I heard them talking.

"Names Chase, I like your jacket." She smiled.

"Nice name, I'm Gray," Logan replied. 

"Oh there's no point in telling me, I'll forget. How about you type it in my phone above your number." The girl said.

Okay, that was the smoothest pickup line I have ever heard...

Logan seemed to think so too.

Without thinking I wrapped my arm around Logan's waist.

"She's spoken for," I growled.

"My bad." Chase said, still looking at Logan, "It was nice to meet you, Logan."

"It was nice to meet you too, bye Bugsy," Logan said, shaking her hand.

The girl left and I stared her down the whole way. The worst part is, she didn't even acknowledge me.

Logan cleared her throat, crossing her arms.

"What was that about?" She said, pulling away from me.

I finally snapped back to reality, "What was what about?"

"Seriously?" She retorted.

"Listen Peggy. If you want me, I'm yours. All you have to do is tell me. But until then, I don't belong to you." She said, leaving me stranded on the pavement.

She's right, that was awful behaviour on my part. I don't know what came over me...

I did realise however, I couldn't give a shit about my job. 

I want her to be mine.

I eventually made it into the cinema, immediately searching for Logan. 

She was hiding in the back so no one would sit next to her.

Looks like I'm about to ruin that.

5 minutes into the movie she was already on her phone. 

I still don't know what to say to her...

A little while later, she was starting to drift off to sleep.

Should I?

Fuck it.

I entwined my fingers with hers, resting our hands on her lap.

She raised her eyebrow, questioning what I was doing.

"This is me telling you," I whispered in her ear.

I saw a smile creep onto her face despite the dimly lit room.

"I'm still mad at you." She said in a low tone.

I chuckled, "Why?"

"Because you're so indecisive." She sulked.

"Listen, I'm just a bit... protective." 

"Don't you mean jealous?" She said.

"Maybe a little." I sheepishly admitted. 

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