17. Threatened

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I'm fucked.

I'm well and truly fucked.

Angela decided to pay me a visit while I was getting out of my car yesterday. 

She asked me how my girlfriend is.

Confused right? Yeah, me too. Until she said, 'Oh sorry, I mean Miss Gray.'

What a lovely birthday surprise.

I swear to god when I get my hands on Lauren...

I am well aware that Logan has been looking for me all day today but I'm scared that Angela is following me around like a lion stalking its prey.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a somewhat loud knock on my office door. 

"Come in." 

"Pelessaria, how nice to see you." Lauren snidely said.

"Oh great, it's you. Come for more blackmail have we?" I hissed back.

"Actually no, I was wondering if you liked my birthday present yesterday?" She replied, leaning against the door frame.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh come on stop denying it. I know you're fucking Gray."

"Would you keep your bloody voice down? I'm not fucking her." I snapped, harshly whispering in response.

"You keep telling yourself that. You're like what... 24 now? So that makes Logan..."

"Eighteen and don't you dare say her name," I growled.

She shot her hands up in surrender, "Someone's touchy today."

I just glared at her, wishing I had telepathic powers to make her less of a bitch.

"Right... well I'll leave you to it then." She smiled, turning around to leave.

"Happy birthday for yesterday." She called out behind her.

God, she infuriates me...

I really need to see Logan. Fuck trying to be careful right now.

It seems as though she had the same idea because as I was walking down the corridor She bumped right into me.

Luckily I managed to catch her, placing my arm around her waist for support.

"Careful gorgeous." I smiled, causing her to blush.

"Hey! I've been looking for you all day. Oh yeah, sorry for bumping into you." She exclaimed.

I slowly lifted her back onto her feet.

"You can bump into me anytime." I winked.

Suddenly footsteps were coming from down the corridor and they sounded like they were approaching us. 

Logan and I took a step back from each other out of instinct, lucking just in time for the devil to emerge.

"Miss Lois, Gray," Angela said in disgust as she walked past. 

"Miss Earnaline," I mumbled. "I'll see you in class Logan." 

I walked off before she could reply, trying to get as far away from both of them as I possibly could. 

God could this day get any worse...

Apparently so. It had been five minutes since the bell rang for the end of the day when there was yet another knock at my door.

I half expected Lauren but I don't know if this is worse or not...

"Hey, Miss." Maria chimed.

I immediately saw Logan behind her and smiled.

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