Chapter 29

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The Hamato Family, ally, Ezra and Rose got to the Hamato household.

Well more like Raph tied Ezra up so he wouldn't do anything.

Mikey is still unconscious, so is Rosela.

"We shouldn't have brought them here," Raph says.

The Hamato Family have gathered around, discussing Ezra and Rosela.

"They helped us, Raph. He led us to Mikey and she protected me from Shredder" Leo tells him.

"Leonardo is correct but Raphael is correct as well," Yoshi says.

"Um, if you are done. I can explain a couple of stuff and answer questions"

The family turns to see Ezra, still tied up in the corner of the room they're in.

"I say we hear him out," Donnie says.

"Donnie's right, everyone" Miwa agrees with Donnie.

They all look at each other and turn to Ezra.

"Very well"

"Tell us everything"

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