Annabeth Meets Carter (Writing Contest)

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Hey guys,

This is for a writing contest I'm doing. The topic that was assigned was Annabeth meeting Carter Kane. I was assigned Annabeth's POV.

Please, no haters, and suggestions are welcome. It took me a while to come up with this idea.

Thanks for your support guys!

Sorry I haven't been on. Spring Break has been crazy.




"Ugh! Where is it?!"

I growled and tossed another one behind me. It skittered across the floor and hit the leg of a desk Malcolm was studying behind. He blinked, glanced down at it, then looked at me.

"Uh, Annabeth," he worriedly called, "why are you throwing books?"

A Tale of Two Cities hit the wall with a THUMP. Shakespeare's Macbeth quickly followed suit, along with Little Women.

"I can't find it!" I shouted to him. I threw another book over my shoulder, having it join the rest of its buddies. I pulled another off, glanced at it, then exclaimed: "Why in Hades do we have 50 Shades of Grey?!"

I chucked it at the trash can. I grabbed another book-- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince-- and scoffed.

"Not even a real half-blood." It joined Macbeth in the pile of classics.

Malcolm slowly made his way around the desk, ducking a few books, then stood next to one of the many emptied bookshelves. When the bookshelf I was working was cleared off and I slumped to the floor hopelessly. Malcolm sighed.

"Are you looking for House of-"

"Don't. Say. A word," I commanded. He rolled his eyes.

"Annabeth, if you would just tell me what you're looking for, I could help." I leaned forward and banged my head on one of the shelves.

"I swear we had the book... I swear we did! It was on that shelf!" I pointed to one of the emptied boards. I narrowed my eyes as an idea popped into my head. "If the Stolls took the book, I'm going to kill them..." Malcolm sighed and leaned against the bookshelf.

"What book are you looking for? There are plenty in here to choose from."

"No, it has to be a certain one," I insisted. "I was in the Big House when I overheard Chiron talking to someone about...other gods. We had a book that had every god every human civilization believed in. I was going to flip through it and-"

"Annabeth, you don't have to worry about it. You're being snoopy again. You know what happened the last time you did that," Malcolm reminded me. I scowled.

Of course I remembered. It was what made me meet Percy in the first place.

"Look Malcolm," I said. "I just want to find this book, okay? I don't want to cause trouble."

"You usually end up making trouble anyway," he mentioned. I rolled my eyes.

"Trust me, I'm nothing compared to Percy when it comes to trouble." Malcolm smirked.

"Come on you," he said, nudging me with his foot, "why don't you go pull out a blueprint for-"

Before he could finish, a black figure darted out from under a bunk. I jumped to my feet, startled by the sudden moment. It was furry, about the size of a large dog, wore some sort of purple jersey and had...a colorful bum?

"Stop that thing!" I shouted. I darted across the room and Malcolm, still in utter shock, straightened.

"What the Hades?!" He cursed.

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