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Nico Di Angelo: FRUIT OF THE DOOMS!!!


Blackboxers: Really son? You don't need to use my underwear as a swear word!

Medicated-Sunshine: Nico, calm down. 

Wise_Girl: What's going on? 

Medicated-Sunshine: *sigh* Nico's mad

Sexy SCOTA2: When is he not??

Nico Di Angelo:  SHUT UP VALDEZ!

CLOVER: Alright alright, what's got your dark panties in a knot?

AquaDUDE: *snicker*

Nico Di Angelo: Someone dyed my black avatar jacket bright yellow!

XxbeautyqueenxX: Yellow? 

Nico Di Angelo: YES. YELLOW. 

Sexy SCOTA2: Oooo! A mystery! *pulls out magnifying glass from tool belt*

JEWELED: Shut up, Leo. But it's going to be okay, Nico. Things will work out. 

BeArMaN: Shes's right, Nico. 

Fly-Boy: Was it as a joke? 

Nico Di Angelo: IF IT WAS A JOKE, I'M GONNA--

CLOVER: Woah woah, deep breath man. This can be fixed. Do you know how it turned yellow, or did it just appear that way?

Nico Di Angelo: I put it in my laundry basket to be washed and then when I got it back, it was yellow!

CareBearNightmares: Who cares about your stupid jacket?! It's a JACKET. 

XxbeautyqueenxX: *grabs nico's shirt before he can kill octavian* Hold up everyone. Let's just calm down. I'm sure this was all a prank from the Stoll brothers, right?

C_Stoll: It wasn't us! I wish we could have thought of something that great though.

T_Stoll: We could totally dye Drew's shirts!

C_Stoll: Or even better--

Fly-Boy: Can we focus please? 

T_Stoll: Oh yeah, right. Yellow jacket. 

CLOVER: So you put it in the wash and it disappeared?

Nico Di Angelo: Yes! Where else could it have gone???

AquaDUDE: Maybe it fell out of the wash somewhere into... a yellow puddle?

Nico Di Angelo: ... 

Wise_Girl: *rubs temples* seaweed brain... 

CLOVER: But he might be getting somewhere. Maybe it did fall out of the wash when it was taken out of his cabin. I've lost a shirt that way. 

Wise_Girl: You're right, Clove. That is high on the possibility scale. 

BeArMaN: But how did it get yellow from there?

Sexy SCOTA2: Well, you know... some could have REALLY needed to use the bathroom and--

Fly-Boy: NO LEO. 


Nico Di Angelo: ...i am not amused. 

CLOVER: Focus guys. Leo, nice theory, but I've got two letters for you: N-O. 

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