Pool Party

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Luvsick posted: Piper, please remember to tell your friends about the pool party on friday!


Annabeth Chase: Piper, since when were we invited to a pool party?

Piper Mclean: Oh.... um, my mom has invited you guys to a pool party. Well, I didn’t want to tell you guys because I was.... what’s the word.... nervous?

Sexy SCOTA2: OMG Beauty Queen! How could you leave us out of a party! You know I can make a bombing party!

Piper Mclean: That’s what I’m afraid of....

Hazel: Guys, she has a point.

Percy Jackson: What point?

Hazel: Well, she doesn’t like her mom and I think Aphrodite had invited our parents. In two words, Not cool.

Frank Zhang: Hazel is right. I am not in the mood to meet my dad ALL OVER AGAIN!

Motorcycle: What’s wrong with me?

Frank Zhang: Oh! Nothing lord Mars!

Luvsick: Do you have a problem with me Piper?

Piper Mclean: No comment....

Annabeth Chase: Where is this party anyway?

Luvsick: At Piper’s house!

Jason: Wait? Piper, why is at your house if you don’t want it to happen?

Piper Mclean: WHAT?! I didn’t even know it was going to take place there!

Luvsick: Of course not sweetheart! I wanted to surprise you! I would have given you the address and you would go there and WAHLA! You would be surprised!

Percy Jackson: Wow Aphrodite! I didn’t know you could plan that all by yourself!

Piper Mclean: *glares at Percy*

Luvsick: Did that surprise you?

Percy Jackson: Yes

Luvsick: Good. See you all there!

Luvsick has logged off

Annabeth Chase: *exhales* Percy! I thought you were going to be disintegrated for such an insult!

Sexy SCOTA2: Oh come on Annabeth! Aphrodite wouldn’t even be smart enough to do that!

Piper Mclean: Excuse me?

Sexy SCOTA2: Sorry Beauty Queen, but it’s true!

Jason: I wouldn’t be surprised if Aphrodite turns you into a mirror.

Sexy SCOTA2: I wouldn’t mind anyway. She wouldn’t be able to turn away from me!

Piper Mclean: Ha ha... Go work on the Argo II you dipstick.

Sexy SCOTA2: Is that like a drumstick?

Piper Mclean: *rolls eyes* Nevermind.

Annabeth Chase: Seaweed Brain, I think it is time for the movie.

Percy Jackson: Oh yeah! I almost forgot! See you guys at the party!

Piper Mclean: NO! Don’t come to the pool party!

Sexy SCOTA2: Sorry Beauty Queen, news is already out. See you there!

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