Ch. 19 - Sleep On The Floor

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Sleep On The Floor - The Lumineers

"Pack yourself a toothbrush dear, Pack yourself a favorite blouse."



After talking Evan off a damn ledge, he helped me do the dishes then went home.

My dad called the next day and apologized for everything that went down with mom. He said she felt really bad about the whole thing and that he was trying to get her to call me. I reassured him that it was fine and she would call when she wanted. I also thanked him for trying to help, even though he didn't have to.

Like I said before. Saint of a man.

The days leading up to Christmas came and went. I spent them cleaning the apartment as much as I could, but I left the bedroom alone. I had to go in there to shower and change clothes and that was almost too much for me, so spending time in there cleaning definitely wouldn't work. I also did a lot of writing. I wrote a bunch of random things like short excerpts and poetry and kept practicing my guitar.

Anything to keep my mind occupied.

Mom did decide to call the Tuesday before Christmas. We talked for a while and I know she was sincere in her apology. I think Evan really ripped her a new one that night for how she reacted. I was still nervous about going over there Christmas morning but oh well. At least I would have dad and the little bro to back me up if need be.

Lizzie and I spent almost an hour every night on FaceTime talking about everything under the sun. After much convincing and going back-and-forth, she finally agreed to stop with the one question a night thing. I just really wanted to talk with her about that stuff in person and be able to dive into it more face-to-face. She agreed with me and decided that we would spend time, just the two of us, really getting to know each other in the coming week.

I was so damn excited for this trip.

Christmas went just how I expected it to go. There was slight tension at first, but my mom and I spoke separately and she apologized profusely



"Y/N, honey, can I speak with you for a second?"

"Sure, mom." I replied a little begrudgingly. I knew this conversation needed to happen, but that still doesn't make me want to do it.

"I just wanted to let you know how insanely sorry I am for reacting that way to your news. We were all so close with Kevin and I think I was just in a bit of shock."

"I know, mom. But I think I was also in shock when I found out the person I thought I was going to spend my life with decided to lie to me for multiple years about wanting kids." I shot back slightly annoyed with how the conversation was starting already.

"Of, course. Of course." she replied, looking away sadly.

I sighed and pulled her into a hug. "I know you meant well. I'm just not in the best place right now and I just need you on my side."

We pulled away and she looked up at me with glassy eyes. "I know and I'm sorry it took me this long to realize. Of course, I'm on your side. Yours and Evan's happiness are the most important thing in my life and I'm sorry I lost sight of that for a moment. I want to have grand babies so bad and I know you want kids. If that's not the path you were heading down, then you made the right decision by deciding to separate. I know that now."

I pulled her into a tight hug again and buried my face into her shoulder. Even though we fight like cats and dogs, she's still my mom and one of the most important people in my life. I'm glad she said what she said, it was just what I needed to hear.

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