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Sara pov

Flora kept crying and then she fell asleep keeping her head on my stomach and legs on Mindy.

Suddenly my phone buzzed and that's weird because it was 3 am and I never get texts or calls unless it's food notifications or these two maniacs.

Sara! Please take me home...

It was my boss, who had a date. I sighed and kept the phone but before that, another notification popped and then another and then another.

Please, Sara!


I sighed and took the keys with me to pick up my grown-up boss.

I went towards the bar in my grey hoodie and he was sitting on a table like a kid waiting for his mother. His head hung low and lips in a pout.

"Sir, what happened to you?" I said with concerned eyes.

He curled his biceps around my waist and started crying.

"She dumped me!" My eyes were in shock. A girl dumped him?

"She -she said I am too much and- and she..." He started snuggling on my tummy.

"So soft sur- surface." My face turned hot when he was doing it. His arms were too tight over my body.

"She said I am not good." I finally sat on the chair facing him.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I- I don't know..." He smiled but his lower eyelids were red.

He looked so adorable that I couldn't control but cup his face with my hands. "Aren't you World Wide Handsome huh?" I said with a smile but he moved his face away looking down again.

"You really think I am a worldwide handsome? I only say that to make people laugh!" I have always seen him smiling and shining with a shine in his eyes but watching him this way broke my heart.

"Jin how could you say that after making me feel so much confident about myself? After making everyone feel better? You don't get to say that!" I glared into his eyes.

"You are meant to shine ok?" I told him this as I was telling it to myself.

He nodded like a little kid making me chuckle.

I was trying to make him stand but he stumbled upon his feet and his head fell on my neck. Now I was sitting on his lap.

His other arm curled me by the waist restricting me to standing again. "You smell so good." He sniffed near my neck as he was sucking my soul.

What is this feeling? This tickling sensation in my stomach? Is this thing called butterflies?

I felt his soft lips on my neck and then his tongue when he sucked on my skin.

He is not mine. He, a man who was sitting here for someone else and crying for someone else is touching me. I never let a man do that but why him?

Why don't I stop him? Is it the thirst of my body or my vague mind getting insane?

His kisses went above towards my earlobe and I felt knots forming in my stomach.

No no no! It's so wrong! Why am I doing this?

But I clenched on his arm when his fingers traced my stomach inside my top.

"Whoever you are... You feel so good." He whispered and I clench my eyes breathing fast.

I could feel his thighs between my legs, chest attached to my back, his heart throbbing and hands touching my body.

I could've turned my face and kissed him, I might have listened to the sinister inside me but-

"Jin we need to go!" I stood up and made him walk with me inside the car.

My best friend needs me and I can't be here with him. I don't think he is sober enough to be there for work tomorrow.

He went inside his home and I drove back to my apartment and saw Mindy typing again on her laptop.

"You would fracture for fingers one day," I said and sat beside her.

"Nah these are fast and strong." She winked at me and I rolled my eyes hiding a smile.

"Sleep or you would have dark circles."

"Talking about sleep... Where were you?" She asked and I sat there with a shock on my face.

The flashbacks of my boss started running inside my head. I stood up and ran towards my room.

Mindy is not just a sleepless maniac but also a psychopath. I mean when we both are standing together it is hard to figure out who is having more existential issues.

But she makes good food has less appetite, shares food with me so I haven't disowned her yet.

I fell asleep even after Flora was snoring. I am glad she is comfortably sleeping but I feel guilty for not being there at the moment.

Else I would have killed that man.

Flora pov

When they say I sleep like a pig, they are right because I woke up with drool on my lips and the bedsheet on the ground.

Even Sara was on the ground, shivering.

But I feel good after a good sleep. Sleep has been an important part of my life because every time I fucked up with my life, sleep was the answer to every question.

People call it running away from reality but I call it a boon to my boring life. In sleep, I am much more smart and strong than why would I ever hate this imaginary life?

I yawned and was about to fold the blankets. "Don't do that, I will." Mindy sighed knowing I don't fold blankets properly.

They are my support systems. When Mom is not here with me, Mindy makes sure we eat good food made by her, and Sara looks after our security in little things like crossing the road and all.

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