Tied up~

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3rd person pov:
Felix woke up yet again, he stared at his surroundings, the dim lights slightly illuminated the various shapes and miscellaneous items around the room.
Felix groaned trying to reach his palm to his forehead, but alas his hands were tied up.
Felix looked down to his feet only to see that they were tied up as well "what the hell?" Felix mumbled under his breath incoherently.
"What was that?" A silky voice spoke from Amongst the shadows.
"W-who are you? Felix questioned in a shaky tone.
"I should be asking you the same question darling" the same voice spoke again, only this time the figure almost fully emerged from the dark.
"W-Why would I tell u that" Felix stuttered, almost choking on his words as soon as the figure made its way over towards him.
The image that stood in front of Felix was breathtaking.
The pale tall man had raven coloured hair. His skin was like porcelain, it almost looked like it would shatter at the touch. His eyes glistened like two stars in the middle of the night sky,only they weren't like normal stars, they were dark red. Almost resembling the colour of blood. They were enchanting, Felix couldn't look away, he was in awe.
"Like what you see darling?" The handsome man asked
"I-I" Felix felt his face turn a deep shade of red, he looked like a cherry.
"Speechless now are we?"
Felix looked down in defeat.
"What am I thinking" he mumbled once again
The tall man placed a finger on Felix's chin and pushed his head up.
"Darling if you have something to say, speak up."
Felix just stared. He looked away once again.
"You know your not to bad yourself" "actually I find you very beautiful." The last L rolled off of the mans tongue in a seductive way.

"What do you want from me!" Felix finally yelled after he had mustered up a few ounces of courage
"Ah now that's exactly what we aren't going to do" the man spoke pressing his delicate finger against Felix's heart shaped lips.
In an Instant Felix bit down hard on the mans finger causing him to scream.
While they were talking Felix was rubbing his hands and ankles together in an attempt to get free.
As the man was on the floor shaking his hand Felix rose to his feet, only to almost fall from the rush of dizziness that had taken over his body.
Felix had managed to stand properly
As soon as he knew it his feet were moving one in front of the other.
Now that Felix had accomplished the small step of waking again he began to run at a fast pace.
The exit of the ball room was right in front of him, he was about to reach for the handle until suddenly he was whipped back with a brute force.
Felix hit his back on the wall and groaned in pain, he saw as the tall man was standing just within 5 meters of him.
Felix looked up slowly only to be met with a grim face.
The man had picked Felix up by the neck and pushed him hardly against the wall.
"Interesting, I was not really prepared for you to fight back" The pale man stated looking directly into Felix's eyes.
Felix attempted to bring his hand up to slap the man in hopes of having a better chance of getting away, but the mans reflexes were to fast.
Just as quickly as Felix brought up his arm, the man swatted it back down.
"Still putting up a fight i see?" The man questioned.
"I suppose you leave me no choice" as soon as those words left his mouth, the man sunk his fangs deep into Felix's neck.
Felix was shocked.
He couldn't move, his eyes started to well up with tears.
He started screaming.
He was in pain.
So much pain. He just wanted it to end.
"G-get off of me" Felix clawed at the man's large hands, squeezing them every time another gulp of his life was taken.
Felix felt as if he was being sucked dry.
Would he die today?
This isn't the way he wanted to go out.
Felix wanted to live his life, like the rest of society.
He was to young to die.
Caught up in his own hazy mind, Felix didn't realize the slow switch of pain to a light sense of pleasure.
As the man continued to feast on Felix's blood, the younger could feel his jaw opening and closing ever so slightly. Almost as if he was trying to say something, but couldn't.
Due to Felix's actions Hyunjin cocked an eyebrow and pulled his fangs off of Felix's neck.
He still held Felix tightly against the wall, not loosening his grip one bit
Soon enough Felix's eyes had welled up with tears again, they dropped onto his face, staining his rosy cheeks even more than they already were.
The man seemed to like the look Felix had displayed on his face considering a few seconds later he had smashed his lips on Felix's.
Felix was yet again shocked.
Why was this beast attacking him?
What did he want from Felix?
The young adult felt so helpless in the tall man's grip.
Felix didn't know what else to do so he gave in.
The man bit Felix's bottom lip with the tip of his fang, causing Felix to open his mouth allowing the man entrance.
He easily dominated Felix's tongue and explored the cavern that was His mouth.
With every movement the man made Felix let out raspy sounds of pleasure. His spine rupturing with chills.
Opening his eyes, Felix looked at the ravenette, getting captured in his eyes.
Felix suddenly became heavily aware of the single hand on his waist, the cold fingers slipping under the youngers shirt.
The man's fingernails raked against Felix's skin, leaving obvious marks. 
Between his breathy moans, Felix finally asked "Who are you?"
The man continued to kiss Felix as he answered with a smirk "You want to know my name?" The man questioned.
Felix nodded slightly and the man pulled his lips off of Felix's.
The man brought his plush lips towards Felix's ear, biting his lobe in the process.
He opened his mouth ready to answer.

Authors note
Sorry if this chap is kinda short, I tried to make It longer than my previous one considering that I was lacking. The description that should have been added. By far I think that this chapter is much better then the other one I made before this. Anyways that's kinda all I wanted to say!
Also ty for 61 reads!! I'm so grateful that people are reading my story and hopefully enjoying it!
As always ty for being patient with me, and have a lovely day or evening depending on where you are!

Lust at first bite★🩸Hyunlix ( under major editing )Where stories live. Discover now