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Third person pov:
Felix woke up in a dark unfamiliar room. The odd sounds here and there made it well over scary, but to add to that the atmosphere didn't help much either.

The air was dewy but dry at the same time. The floor was cold. And the light was no where to be seen.

Felix spent what felt like hours searching for anyone, that is until he finally saw someone far in the distance. As he got closer to the strange person he suddenly felt a comforting presence. Felix definitely knew this person, he could feel it.

He went up behind the man and tapped his back gently.

"Uh excuse me?"

No response.
Felix once again tapped the mans back.

"Excuse me?" He said slightly louder this time, but still no response.

The younger was getting slightly irritated, so he decided "why not tap again?"
And that's exactly what he did. He tapped the mans back.

"Hey! I said excuse me!?" The younger said yelling loudly grabbing the mans shoulder and turning him around.

"H-hyunjin?" "Is that you?"
No response.

"Come on Hyun, I know your playing tricks on me!" The younger laughed it off, Though he got no response.

"Hyun c'mon this seriously isn't funny."
No response.

"Hyun p-please answer me, your seriously scaring me." Felix said with a slight quiver noticeable in his tone.

Hyunjin opened his mouth as if to speak, but all that came out were blood curdling screams.

Felix bent down close to the ground, keeping his knees close to his chest as he protected his ears with his hands. The younger closed his eyes as tight as he could, trying to rid the strangulating sensation that was filling his every vain.

He opened his eyes after what felt like 1000 years, only to see more figures behind Hyunjin.

A woman. Small and frail with black hair. A man with dark brown hair and sharp red eyes. In the middle was a little boy. He seemed to be the age of 12. He was holding onto the woman's hand, all of their gazes dead set on Felix.

Felix then looked behind what seemed to be the family, only to met with about 200 more sharp red eyes.

Felix shook In fear, his legs trembling as he stood up.

The freckled boy started to speak, only to be stunned as nothing came out. His voice was gone.

Felix silently screamed as he watched the figures come closer, this time from every angle.

The many figures grabbed onto his limbs and started yanking them as if hopping that they would rip off.
Felix screamed yet again,but there was still no noise.

Hyunjin walked through the crowd of many people and kneeled down in front of the younger. He grabbed him harshly and threw him against the ground. Felix's back throbbed in pain as he made contact with the hard floor.

The vampire picked Felix up and started speaking.

"Look at you, all pathetic and hopeless."
"Did you really think I loved you?" The older spoke words which made Felix's heart fall apart.

"You were nothing but a mere toy for me."
"Now that your all used, there's no use in keeping you around anymore." Tears began to fall from the young boys eyes.

Felix felt his voice come back as he strained to speak
"But you cared for me, y-you loved me."
"I never cared for a human like you." Hyunjin spat making Felix bubble with regret and sadness.

Lust at first bite★🩸Hyunlix ( under major editing )Where stories live. Discover now