Darkness Upon Thy Door

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(Narrator POV)
Dean spent the entire night doing research and going through what John had already found on the yellow-eyed demon.

He had escorted John out of the house and then followed him to the motel to collect the evidence that this demon was going after Sam.

Dean had called in at the garage and then called Cas to explain and ask if he could pick up the kids from school. Then he came home, and (after scouring the house to make sure John hadn't planted cameras, bugs, or otherwise tampered with the place) he got to searching.

Much to Dean's upset, it looked like the man was telling the truth.

There were a bunch of people who had their mothers die in their nursery just like Sam, almost exact duplicates of what happened that night. A large group of them had weird things (like psychic visions) happen to them shortly before their families were killed mysteriously in the same way as their mothers.

After that, the people disappeared and left everything in their lives behind.

Dean spent hours doing the needed research and found an old book that mentioned some kind of antichrist being made through the trial of a large group shrouded in grief.

He didn't even realize how late it was until Castiel came home with the kids, and immediately sent them upstairs so he could talk to Dean.

"Is it true?" He asked as he approached his husband who was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, surrounded by paper and books.

Dean nodded slowly and his words were muffled slightly by his hands. "Yeah, I think so."

Cas came around the couch and moved some papers around so he could join on the couch beside Dean. He grabbed the part-time hunter's hands and pulled them away so he could look in his eyes.

"Dean?" He asked tentatively while holding the other's hands in his own.

"I hate him, Cas."

Dean looked sad, scared, and angry all at once, and Castiel didn't need to ask to know who he was talking about.

"But if that demon is going after Sam, and also Jess and DB, I need to kill it." Dean continued on and Cas nodded slowly.

"Even if it means working with John?" He couldn't help but ask his beloved.

Dean looked like he'd tasted something sour at the thought, but then his expression cleared again.

"I'd do anything for Sam." He said simply because it was one of the truest truths in the family.

"I know you would, Dean." Cas assured with a smile, knowing already that his husband would fight an entire apocalypse for his little brother.

Castiel never minded because he loved how protective and loving Dean was. His husband would also do anything for their children and for Cas himself, because he could never let his family be in any kind of peril.

"I'd feel awful leaving for however long it took to hunt it down." Dean said with a deep sigh.

"I know that too." Castiel grinned.

He leaned to the side a bit to kiss Dean on the cheek. Cas knew that he'd never convince Dean not to feel guilty about leaving, but he could at least put his mind a bit at ease.

"Dean, one of the many things I love about you is how much you love and care for all of your family. I understand if you need to go and protect Sam and the others. We'll be here when you get back, and you won't have to leave again." He reasoned.

Dean took a deep breath as he thought over the words Castiel had just said.

"What if I don't come back?"

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