Revenge And Protection

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(Narrator POV)
Dean had spent about five minutes getting Baby out of the ditch after the demon left and he got off the phone with Sam.

He was back on the road, but he wasn't even sure what the plan was since they had no means to kill the demon.

Right as he was thinking about how far behind Azazel he'd be in arriving home, the phone rang.

Dean answered without looking at the ID, and found that it was Meg on the other end.

"I have a confession."

"Oh geez, this should be good."

There was a relatively long pause and suddenly Dean really felt the seriousness that had been in her tone when she spoke.

"When I first became friends with Sam, I was working for Azazel."

He didn't know how to feel at first, not quite believing the words as they left her mouth.

"What?" Dean questioned her with barely contained rage.

"Let me explain, please." Meg actually pleaded with him and went on when he didn't stop her. "At first, I worked for him. Then I met all of you and you treated me like I was really family, despite the fact that I was a demon. I fell in love with all of you in different ways."

Dean didn't say anything as she worked to be able to say what she wanted next.

"You may not feel the same, but I think of you sort of like a brother who annoys the crap out of me." She said sincerely.
"I couldn't betray any of you, especially not Sam, Jess, and Benny. So, I quit helping and refused to do his bidding anymore. I don't know why I wasn't punished, but all that happened was that eventually some other lackey showed up to tell me that they had given up coming after Sam."

There was another long pause, as Dean absorbed all of this information and tried to decide what it meant after everything.

"I would have warned you if I knew." She promised him.

He took a moment for a calming breath so he wouldn't say something he'd later regret. "Why are you telling me this, Meg?"

"Because I don't want secrets, I want forgiveness, and most importantly... I think I know how to kill him." The demon explained.

Dean froze for a second at the last part, and he just stared at the road ahead of him for a few moments.

"I'm listening."

"There's a gun that's rumored to be able to kill most supernatural creatures, including demons. It's called the Colt and you're going to be heading right through where it is." Meg informed him.

"Text me the exact location." Dean partially ordered, too tired and tense to give a crap about manners.

"That's just the thing, it was also rumored to have been stolen by a nest of vampires." Meg sounded like she was cringing a bit at that part, but Dean just sighed.

"Send me the location." He was used to this kind of inconvenience happening at every turn.

"Are you suggesting that you'll take out a nest by yourself?" She sounded incredulous, but if anyone could, it was Dean Winchester-Singer.

"I don't have to take out the nest, I just have to get the Colt." Dean reasoned with her.

"If you say so, Hunter-Boy."

There was another lull in the conversation as Dean thought over what he wanted to say to her about her working with Yellow Eyes.

"You're gonna have to tell everyone else and earn back trust accordingly, but this is a good start, Demon-Girl." He took a second before making his tone more sincere. "Thank you, Meg."

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