Chapter 8

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Harley's POV

I opened up my laptop with a huge smile on my face. This was going to be my first time seeing my sister since the move 2 weeks ago. I mean, yeah, I have texted her every so often but I couldn't wait to see her face. I opened up Skype and waited for her to call.

Within a few minutes, it started ringing. I clicked it as soon as it started ringing. My screen showed my beautiful sister with her brown flowing hair falling down her shoulders and her big hazel eyes. She probably had an even bigger grin than me if it was possible.

"Hey!" She excitingly exclaimed.

"Hi! Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you!" I happily sighed and Abby blew me a kiss. I giggled at that. "H-how's college?" I asked Abby and she smiled.

"It is great! My roommate and I get along pretty well and I think I have even made a few friends." She said proudly.

"That's great!"

"Yeah. How about you? How's school? How is that intern you hate so much?"

"Uh, school's good. Um, he isn't really that bad." I confessed. "I guess I was just... jealous? I mean, he is really smart. And I don't really know how Tony found a guy from Queens just based on his intelligence." I clicked my tongue. I heard her keyboard starting to click and clack.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I asked her and she smirked.

"Ooo. Peter Parker. Damn, bro he is hot. Like in a really cute way." She said, probably looking at a picture of him from one of his social media platforms. I rolled my eyes.

"Did you seriously just look him up?" I raised my eyebrows.

"No wonder why you have changed your mind." She smirked at me and I gave her a glare.

"He's not that good looking." I lied... Mostly to myself.

"Um... really?"

"So, college. How challenging are your classes?" I tried to change the subject.

After about what felt like an hour, she had to say her goodbyes and get ready for one of her classes. I told her that we should talk every Saturday because I would love to hear all the juicy college gossip.

I smiled as I signed off and decided to go find Morgan. Morgan seemed to like me which was really great because I loved spending time with her. Of course, the six year old loved to play with anyone, but she always made me feel welcome here.

"Morgan!" I called out before opening her room door. I found Morgan and Wanda on the ground and Wanda was floating some of her toys up in the air. "Hey! Um, I was wondering if I could join?" I asked her with a smile. Morgan giggled softly and then nodded her head. Wanda slowly put the toys to the ground.

"Can we draw?" Morgan asked and I nodded.

"Of course, little one." Wanda said in her thick accent.

After a few minutes of drawing, I noticed Morgan had only used Red and Blue crayons.

"Watcha drawing?" I asked her and she smiled.

"Spider-Man." She said and Wanda just smiled.

"Is that your favorite hero?" I asked her. She nodded.

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