Chapter 11: Gradual Friendship

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Levi grunted as he brought down the edge of the gun on the unsuspecting guard. The guard let out a noise of surprise, crumpling onto the ground within the next minute. (Y/N) picked up his legs and helped Levi carry him back home, trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Levi and realized that they'd probably have to keep the guard imprisoned as long as (Y/N) was impersonating him. Luckily, the guard looked quite similar to (Y/N) and had her features. They looked different, but not that different.

"Do you really trust Hange?" Levi's voice was strained as he carried the weight of the guard.

"Not really, but what other choice do I have?" (Y/N) winced. What the heck were these guards made of?

"What will you do if they end up betraying you?" Levi questioned. "What if they alert the king? Or tell the Sina Guard? Do you have a plan set in place?"

"Always the skeptic, aren't ya, Levi?" (Y/N) shook her head. "But you've got a point, I guess. I'll think of something when the time comes. Don't you trust my ability to think on my feet? I think I've proven my competence to you."

"I trust you," Levi said firmly. "Not Hange. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't," (Y/N) reached out to nudge him. "You trained me well."

Levi's lips curved and if (Y/N) knew any better, she would have said that he was smiling. But she doubted he was, his default emotion was unbothered. "Your skill is all your own, (Y/N). You're a brilliant fighter and an intelligent person. If anyone can carry this out, it's you."

(Y/N) smiled and continued to help Levi drag the guard back to the shack. As the days passed, it began to feel more real. She was going to put an end to this. She was going to get revenge. The thought of seeing Sasha and Connie's murderer made her blood boil and she itched to drag a knife down his chest, torturing him before ending him off. He deserved it. How many others had he killed? It had sounded like he had been boastful about murdering off two others. Whatever the case was, (Y/N) had to uproot the drug dealing. If she couldn't change the social dynamic, if she couldn't change the corruption present in the undercity, the lease she could do was stop some operation that caused the deaths of a couple of people.


"Is this sufficient enough?" Levi asked, showing Hange the uniform he had taken off the guard. The man was placed in another room, sedated so that he would sleep and not resist.

"Yes, it's a legitimate uniform for a member of the Sina Guard," Hange nodded. (Y/N) eyed them, still questioning their willingness to participate in this plan. Sure, their reputation was at stake if (Y/N) spread rumors that it was the King that created the drug...but that couldn't be it, right? There had to be something else.

"And if I wear this, I'll blend in?" (Y/N) stated, narrowing her eyes. "No other protocol I should be aware of?"

"We can go to Shiganshina City in the morning, and all you have to say is that during your patrol of the undercity, you found me held captive by some...some weird person who wanted me to spill blueprints or whatever. I'll vouch for you," Hange said.

"Okay..." (Y/N) gnawed on the inside of her cheek, hesitant. It seemed almost too easy. As if Hange were setting her up for a trap. She made a mental note to herself to remind Levi and Mikasa to come with her during this mission. She wasn't stupid enough to go alone.

Levi glanced towards the clock and grabbed the uniform, deciding to head back outside. He probably had some business he needed to finish. (Y/N) looked over at Hange, left alone with them in the room. They looked a mess—their hair ruffled, dried blood on their wrists from where they struggled against the coarse ropes, their glasses dirty and made (Y/N) almost feel bad.

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