chapter 1: finding out

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This is my first story ever so there will be plenty of mistakes that i haven't seen. i hope you all like it. i wont demand comments or votes or things like that but if you guys want to comment and vote then go right ahead.....oh and the song on the side is my favorite song EVER!!! GO GLEE!!!! <3



                                            ***12 years ago***

"Sophia! I found you! i need to tell you something!" said a very excited Eliza.

Eliza and i have been friends since we were in preschool. i would do anything for her. i don't know what i would do without her. She helped me through very tough times. Like for example a while back i thought i was just average and not very pretty at all. I'm very short and probably will be for the rest of my life, I have dirty blonde hair, and very dark brown eyes that you can get lost in. I never really thought I was pretty compared to Eliza. She's about the opposite of me. She's very tall and so she's super-skinny. I'm skinny, but it looks like I'm not since I'm short. she has brown hair and light brown eyes. After I told her, she told me that every day guys are drooling over me, but i just don't notice any of them. That made me a lot happier. Hey, I'm 10 what do you expect?

"Eliza, you run way too fast. You know I can't run," said a very tired Lexi.

"Will you stop complaining for a minute, so I can tell Sophia the amazing news?" Eliza asked Lexi.

"Whatever," Lexi retorted.

Lexi, Lexi, Lexi. She's amazing. I just met her last summer, but now Lexi, Eliza, and me can't be separated, and I love it!

"Ok what is it?" I asked getting very excited about the "good news."

"I'm moving!" said a very excited Eliza.

Wait! What!? Did I just hear right or have I been listening to too much Britney Spears? I guess my mom is right about me going deaf. (AN: no offense 2 anyone who is deaf)

"Can you repeat please?" I asked completely shocked.

"I'm moving!" Eliza said again with the exact same enthusiasm she had when she told me the first time.

"To where?" I asked getting sadder and sadder by the moment.

"Texas! It's going to be so awesome, Sophia, and it's going to be hot all the time! Isn't it just amazing?" she asked me rambling on and on about her moving.

"Honestly, I don't think so," I told her cooly.

"And why not?" she asked me getting mad.

"Because you're my best friend and I don't want you to go!" I yelled at her.

"Well, I'm going whether you like it or not!" she yelled and me and stomped off.

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