Chapter 22: Meeting Eliza

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         This dream; this dream is different than what I’m used to. There is no blood, no knife, no Mason, and no Eliza. It’s quite the opposite actually. The air around me feels….lively. The air was most definitely not lively in the other dreams. It was more sinister and angry-like. There’s nothing the same about the dream so far, except for the same main street that I walk down. I probably know this street inside and out by now.

         I’m walking down the street. I pass the post office, the movie store, and the library. That’s as far as I usually went, but not this time. I pass her apartment. Right now I’m happy that I’m not having the other dream. The dream may scare the shit out of me, but it’s super predictable after it replaying night after night. I walk past the grocery store, bank, and the fire and police stations. I then stopped at the entrance of a skate park. Jace taught me how to skate on a skateboard when I was younger and I wasn’t too bad. Even though I have a skateboard hidden under the driver’s seat of my SUV, I haven’t had any free time lately to ride it. I peeked inside of it and saw that they have a skate store. Ok, that’s it, I need to skate! I walked straight into the skate park and entered the store. I walked around a bit until I found the most perfect skateboard for me. It was pink with white and black skulls and crossbones on it. I found a helmet to go with the skateboard. After I paid for all of the equipment, I went out onto the actual skating ramps and other weird things to skate on. I didn’t actually trust myself with going on the ramps straight away, so I stayed on a flat surface. For skating for the first time in 3 months, I say I’m doing pretty well. I started out with the Ollie then went into a frontside 180. I did many easy tricks at first, and then I went into harder tricks like a kickflip. The tricks were getting harder and harder each time. I was getting used to the stake board, so I went onto the ramps. I was about to go down one of the ramps when I ran into HIM; HIM meaning Jayden. He started to lean in so I did the same, making the space between our lips less than what it started out to be. There’s only about 2 inches of space now. There only 1 in now when- BAM!! The bed is being shaken.

         I open my eyes. I quickly close them and hope when I open them again, it’ll all go away and I’ll be back in my dream about to kiss Jayden. I open them. Nope, it’s not my mind playing tricks on me. On my bed, Mason and Lexi are jumping up and down. Now, that’s what you call a wakeup call!

“Guys, what are you doing,” I ask them with my voice shaky from them jumping up and down. They stopped abruptly.

“We’re waking you up,” they said at the same time.

Ok, now that’s a bit creepy. “Well, ok then,” I say a bit weirded out.

“C’mon and get ready, Sophia. It’s already 9 o’clock,” she told me waling a few extra feet and sitting on my lap. Don’t worry; this happens with us all the time. It’s perfectly normal.

“You woke me up from the most amazing dream ever just so that you can have 2 hours to get ready,” I questioned her. What the hell, Lexi, that dream was getting really good!

“A good dream,” she inquired skeptically.

“Yes, HE was in it,” I told her emphasizing ‘he’. Her eyes widened at that comment.

“Sorry,” she said sincerely.

“Wait, who’s he,” Mason asked very confused because he’s missing something kind of important.

“Nobody,” Lexi and I answered at the same time.

“Ok, then. How about we go out to eat,” he questioned.

“Yes!” I excitedly answered.

“Lexi,” he questioned.

“Ok, fine, but they better have fruit cups,” she grumbled.

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