chapter 12: who is he...

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wow i've really been slacking on here....for those who read my insanely crappy story im truely sorry......its almost summer and its really nice out and i dont feel like doing so so soooo sorry!!!!!



I have an art studio in our apartment. I told Lexi I just had to have one or else we wouldn't get the apartment. She didn't really appreciate it when it took 2 whole months just trying to find the perfect apartment. She was happy with my decision though. The apartment has 2 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a room large enough to hold all of my art supplies. She was beyond estatic when we signed our names on the dotted line. She never wanted to see another apartment ever again in her entire life. Even though she hated going around the city looking apartment after apartment, she knows that if I'm happy with my art studio then she's happy too.

As soon I walked through the door I was over the moon. I was over the moon because this is the one place in which I don't have a worry in the world. I don't have to worry about anything. My worries don't come with me when I'm in here. They say out there until I'm done in here. I definitely don't look foward to all of my worries but they all come to me sometime whether I like it or not.

I heard the front door open and close but I didn't really care who it was at the moment. All I cared about was getting able to paint. I sat down onto my stool and started painting.

                                             =====After Painting=====

This painting is very strange. Very unusual. I never paint/draw people. Never. I always draw strange shapes scattered all over the canvas. Well, not this time. I have no clue why I drew a person this time. I knew I touched the locket before starting. I always touch it before starting. It gives me a source of inspiration. Even though the painting is very unusual and strange, it is by far my best. Painting of people by that.

There are 2 people in it. A guy and a girl. the guy had midnight black hair and piercing blue eyes. They are like the blue water in an ocean. You can get lost in them. His facial features are absolutely magnificent. He has high cheeckbones and a jaw that looks like someone sculpted them. His mouth is curled up into a cocky smile. Even though you can't see it, the guy has sculpted abs and just the perfect amount of arm muscle. Not too scrony but not too muscular. He is looking at the girl Right now I'm extremely jealous of the girl, but I have no idea why. Why am I jealous? I don't even know who this guy is. That girl. That girl looks We have the same chocolate brown hair, dark brown eyes, shortness, and body features. Everything about her is the same. Everything. I have one problem. I've never seen this 'mystery man' in my entire life before. For some reason I have an intensifying urge to open up my locket.......

Open it up??!! No, I can't. I told myself 12 years ago when I found it, that I wouldn't ever open it up. It isn't my buisness to open it. Maybe just one tiny peek. I won't ever open it again then. Just one peek. That's all I need.

My hands were making their way to the beautiful locket. When I opened it, I was completely taken aback. There was a picture of a young boy in there. That wasn't the strange part. The strange part was that the little boy in the locket looks exactly like the young man in my paiting. The young boy and the extremely hot man are one in the same.......

I have no clue who this man is, but I have to find out for myselft. I don't care if I'm 40 years old when I do;I just need to find him.

He intruges me. No one ever does. I've never met anyone in my 22 years has. I want to find him. I NEED to find him. Whoever make me feel this way must be special, right? What if, when I meet him, he's not the person who I thought he was? Sophia, stop it!! You need to get control of yourself! I don't even know if I'll even meet him. I need to keep myself occupied. I really home Lexi can help me with that.

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