Chapter 16: Anticipation

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Mason has been sleeping on our couch for the past 5 days. I’ve had all of my bags packed for 4 days already. I can’t wait to go! I know I shouldn’t be this ecstatic to see the one person who ruined my perfect day 7 years ago, but I’m glad to be going for some really strange reason.

         We’ve all done nothing for the past 5 days. All we do is get up, eat, go to school, go to work, and sleep. Yea, we sound like a bunch of anti-social freaks, but hey, what else are you supposed to do when your ex-friend who you haven’t seen for 7 whole years?

         I can’t wait until we leave in the morning. And I mean morning. We’re getting up at 4 and I get the first shift at driving, then 4 hours later Mason or Lexi get the next shift and so on.

“Hey, Lexi, you ready for tomorrow,” I asked her excitedly.

“Yea, I guess,” she answered me with a frown on her face.

“What’s the matter, Lexi,” I questioned her concerned.

“Well, I need to know something,” she told me hesitantly.

“Ok, go ahead,” I urged her.

“Are you sure about going to go see Eliza?”

“Yes, I’m positive. I know at first that I said that I never wanted to see her ever again, but times have changed and so has she,” I said.

“Well, I guess you’re right,” she told me slowly while nodding her head.

“Don’t I know it,” I cockily responded.

“Hey guys,” Mason groggily mumbled.

“Well, technically we’re not guys,” I smartly retorted.

“Shut up, Sophia,” he said while shooting me daggers.

“Ok, that’s your loss,” I told him as I kept up the ‘smart ass’ act.

“Stop being a smart ass, Sophia Mary-Elizabeth Simmons,” Lexi said while laughing because she knew exactly what I was doing and it was quite entertaining.

“Fine…Lexi Rose Hamilton,” I said whispering the last part.

“I heard that, Sophia,” Lexi told me. Damn, busted!

“Heard what,” I asked innocently.

“You know what, Sophia. Now stop the act and let’s go out and eat for once,” she ordered me.

“Finally; I’m getting sick and tired of just pancakes, eggs, and juice. I need my BACON!!” Mason burst out with enthusiasm. So much that it scared both Lexis and me.

“I’ll show you where my stash is,” I whispered to him quietly so that Lexis couldn’t hear what we were talking about.

“Ok,” he mouthed to me.

         After we all got dressed and looked half-way decent, we headed to McDonald’s. Oh, wow, I haven’t been here to at least 2 whole months. That was Lexis’s doing. She’s been a vegetarian for 3 years.  Me, well there isn’t any way in hell I would give up meat for a damn salad. I just couldn’t do it. We ate meat like every day at our house when I was growing up. Lexi on the other hand…not so much. She was raised by ‘hippies’, but very wealthy ones. Her parents owned a very renowned organic farm in the suburbs of Chicago.

“C’mon guys, let’s go,” Mason whined, clearly impatient while pulling our hands into the restaurant.

“Alright, alright,” I told him laughing at how impatient he could be.

“Do we really have to go to McDonald’s,” Lexi questioned us not liking the idea of being around greasy and fattening foods.

“Yes,” I sternly told her being stubborn about making sure we come here.

“Fine,” she grumbled.

“Guys, I need to eat before I die!!”

“We’re coming,” I told him rolling my eyes at him behind his back.

“My heaven,” Mason breathed out.

“Geesh, it’s just a stupid fast-food restaurant with foods that are no good for you. We could be eating a nice and healthy meal right about now if we were at the apartment,” Lexi said to the both of us trying to convince us that we should turn back quickly before we eat the ‘horrendous’ food.

“Lexi, we’re eating here whether you like it or not,” I sternly told her.

“Fine,” she grumbled.

         With that last ‘fine’ we ate in peace without Lexi complaining about how shitty the food is. I wish it was like this every single time we came here. I may wish that, but I know that it will never happen.

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