Chapter 23: the Stakepark

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“Sophia! Sophia!” Lexi, Mason, and Eliza yelled after me.

"I demand you to put me down whoever you are!!" I yelled at my kidnapper.

 “Would you just shut up?! You’re annoying me!” the gruff voice of a man yelled back at me.

 “Make me!” I retorted.

 “Fine, I will!” the guy growled at me. By the sound of the voice, I knew that he wasn’t kidding.

 “Never mind,” I replied quickly.

         He didn’t say anything after that. Thank the Lord! He’s so freaking scary!! It doesn’t help matters much that I have no clue who he is or what he looks like. That’s just perfect! He turned down a street a couple minutes after he kidnapped me. Wait a minute, I know this street. I’ve seen it more than once. Not in person, but I’ve seen it in my dreams. There’s the post office, movie store, and library. We just passed the fire and police stations, grocery store, and the bank. We stop in front of the….skate park. Ok, now this is major déjà vu. The kidnapper sat me down and took off the hat that was covering my eyes. When he sat me down and I looked up at him, I thought that he seemed familiar. I swear I’ve seen him before. Let me think….

 “I’m Jason by the way,” the gruff voice says. Oh, I know who he is now! He’s Scarlett’s scary brother, Jason.

 “I’m Sophia,” I cheerily tell him, extending out my hand. When he just stares at it and doesn’t take it, I slowly put it back to my side. After about a minute of awkward silence, someone yells my name.

 “Sophia! Sophia! You’re actually here!” Scarlett excitedly yelled.

 “Uh….yea,” I answered not knowing what else to say.

 “Oh, I forgot. I’m sorry for not warning you about my little surprise. I couldn’t carry you myself so it was between the 4 man whores to do the job. Sorry again, she apologized. Way too much, I might add.

 “Oh, that’s fine, Scarlett,” I assured her. I made it show on my face that I was fine with it so she would stop worrying. I’ve known her for about a day, but I already know that she takes in what she does to people seriously. I like that about her, though.

 “Ok, good. Here, I got you these,” she said handing me a skateboard and a helmet. It wasn’t just any skateboard and helmet. It was the same exact skateboard and helmet as in my dream. I’m even wearing the same exact shoes as I am in the dream. Weird, but very much true.

 “Now this is creepy,” I muttered to myself. “How’d you know,” I asked her.

 “You have the scars of a skater,” Scarlett answered motioning towards my legs and arms where there was proof of my skating scars.

 “Yea, I guess I do,” I admitted.

“Enough with the chit-chat girls; let’s go skate,” Jason complained. Wow, he has no patience at all. Wonder who that sounds like?

“We’re coming, we’re coming,” Scarlett assured him.

 “He really likes skateboarding doesn’t he,” I observed.

 “Yea, all 7 of us do. Well, 8, including you,” she explained.

 “7,” I asked confused.

 “Yea, we all grew up together. There’s Jayden and Eli Sanders, though we don’t really count Eli since we haven’t seen him since 8th grade.

 “Eli’s been gone for 6 years,” I questioned not believing it one bit.

 “Yea, he got sent to this delinquent school the summer before our freshman year. No one knows why though. Well, besides Jayden,” she explained to me.

 “Go on,” I encouraged her.

 “Next, there’s Chase Taylor and Michael Day. They grew up right next to each other. They are the biggest idiots you will ever meet. Stay clear of them,” she warned me. I’ll have to remember that. “That’s about it for the guys. You’ve already met the scary Jason.”

 “The guys,” I inquired.

 “Yea, there are 4 guys, and now 4 girls,” she said.

 “Oh,” was my smart reply.

 “The girls are Ellie Sherman, Leigh West, you, and me,” she explained. Wait, me?

 “Me,” I questioned skeptically.

 “Yea, why not,” she shrugged.

 “Tell me about Leigh and Ellie.”

 “Ok, well they’re my best friends. Like almost all of us, we grew up together. Ellie has fire-red hair, is hilarious, and has a huge temper so she is beyond feisty. Leigh is the total opposite. She stays in the background of things and she is really sweet. She also has Jason wrapped around her finger,” she told me finishing with a smirk on her face.

 “I’m guessing that’s a good thing,” I stated.

 “Yup,” she said popping the p. “They started dating when we were freshman. We feel bad for using her to shut Jason up, but it’s so worth it.”

 “I bet,” I said agreeing, while I was trying to imagine the rough-and-gruff Jason with a sweet-sounding girl. Maybe it’s the Leigh from CeCe’s Dinner this morning?

 “And our newest member, Sophia; a Sweet girl with a not-so-sweet old friend. You love to skate, so that’s a bonus,” she beamed at me. I can’t believe I just made her day by just being me.

           When we walked up to her group of friends, they all stopped talking. Ok, that’s strange. I say Leigh, Jason, Ellie, Michael, Chase, and, of course, Scarlett. Someone was missing. I believe that someone was Jayden. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Scarlett.

 “Where is he this time,” Scarlett asked quite annoyed.

 “Over there skating,” Ellie chirped up pointing over to the ramps where a tall guy was waiting to go down. When it was his turn, he left me speechless. He did tricks I wished I knew how to do. He’s amazing! Beyond amazing! After a couple of round on the ramp, he came towards the group. When he was closer, I could see him much better. He has longish black hair, midnight blue eyes, and the perfect amount of muscle. I know those eyes from somewhere but where?

 “Hey, Jayden,” every chorused.

          Jayden; that’s it. He’s in my painting as the young man and the Jayden in the picture in my locket as the little boy. Who knew I would meet him here of all places? This is all very overwhelming!

 “Oh, fudge,” was all I got out before my head went blank and my eyes went black and rolled into the back of my head.


Ok, so it's me again! I know I haven't uploaded in a bit but I've been a lot! So I'll end up uploading the rest of the story and then I'll go back and edit the whole thing if it doesn't get to be too late.

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