chapter 5: leaving for good

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                                                              ***2 weeks later at airport***


2 weeks have past. It's been great. I was surprised a bunch at what Mason told me, but I was estatic when he told me. After that I told Eliza knew that they weren't actually dating she was beyond relieved, because even though it wasn't for a long time it sucked being his 'girlfriend.' I just laughed at that.

Summer has now ended. How I wish that it hadn't. I will never forget this summer. Ever. Eliza, her mom, and her dad leave at noon. It is now 11:32. Lexi and I will be there when she leaves. Oh, how I wish that she wouldn't leave us. Once a year. That's all we will be able to see her. She will come to see us at the begining of the summer but she has to leave towards the ending of it.

It's almost time. She boards the plane in 10 minutes. I'm on the verge of tears. Tears could fall from my face any second now, but I hope that doesn't happen. I would rather that happen some place more private. It just breaks my heart, because I won't be able to see her for a whole year. I can hardly be without her for a whole week, let alone a year! I know that Lexi will help me through this and vice versa, but what if Eliza isn't the person I know and love when she comes back to Chicago and visits us?

"Flight 3011 to Dallas is now boarding," said a very nasially voice who obviouslly hates her job by the sound of her voice. (AN: that flight number was totally make up)

The tears fell down my face freely now. "Eliza, how will I survive Middle School without you?" I asked her through my sobs.

"You'll make it, Sophia, I know you will," she told me quietly trying to hide the fact that she was also sobbing.

"Eliza, you know I am no good with directions, so how am I supposed to make it to Sophia's house?" Lexi asked Eliza also sobbing lightly.

"Sophia will show you, I promise Lexi," Eliza told her.

"Eliza, honey, we need to go now," Mrs.McFly told her daughter gently.

"Ok, mom," Eliza said as she tried to wipe away the tears that kept on falling down her face.

Lexi and I were sobbing while Eliza walked onto the plane. She never looked back at us when she boarded. Why didn't she? It was probably so she wouldn't regret leaving. She always told me you can never regret the things that you do. Oveer the past years, I've learned many things from her and in time I will thank her for those things.

We stood there for what felt like hours. Neither me nor Lexi said anything. I guess both of us wanted to soadup the moment. We had to accept that she really is gone. Not gone, gone, but gone from here, from Chicago. There won't be another morning in which I wake up to her and Lexi jumping on my bed. It will now only be Lexi doing that. We were once the imfamous trio, but now that Eliza is gone, it's the dynamic duo.

I think it was about an hour after they left when one of us spoke for the first time. It was Lexi.

"She's really gone, isn't she?" she asked me.

"Yea she is Lexi, but she won't ever be forgotten," I told her.

"Well, I'm done with this moping and really deep stuff, can we eat? I'm like extremely hungry," she asked me.

"Only you would want some food at a time like this. Only you," I told her shaking my head.

"Hey, my stomach makes the decision here not me," Lexi said defending myself.

As Lexi walked off towards the food court leaving me behind, my eyes caught something shiny. At first I thought it was Eliza's friendship braclet that I got for all of us, but that idea got erased quickly out of my mind, because I saw that it was a necklace in the shape of a heart. It was a heart locket with the name 'Jayden' engraved onto the back. I was about to put the locket into the lost and found so whoever the owner is they can go and claim it, but I had a gut feeling that I would need it in the near future. I know sometime and somewhere I would meet its owners.....

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