Chapter 17: Heading Out

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                                                       ***Beep! Beep! Beep! ***

         Damn it! It’s already 4 in the freaking morning. Why couldn’t we possibly leave later? Oh, I know why. It’s because Mason said it would take us at least 12 hours with rest stops to drive all the way down to Texas where Eliza lives. Why the hell did she have to move 12 hours away?!

“Sophia, you up,” Mason asked me.

“Yea, but barely,” I honestly told him.

“Hey, I thought you were a morning person,” Mason asked me teasingly.

“Not without my cup of coffee,” I grumbled starting to go into withdrawal without my coffee.

“Ok, well get dressed and I’ll get you your coffee,” Mason said.

“Wait, how do you know what kind of coffee I like,” I asked him curious.


“Of course,” I said chuckling lightly.

         Who would ever guess that Lexi would know what kind of coffee I like? Well, it doesn’t really surprise me since I know what kind that she likes. Hey, when you live with someone for quite a while you tend to notice some things about them.

“Wait, she up,” I asked him quickly before he left me to get dressed.

“Yea, why,” he questioned me.

“Well, Lexi would never get up this early willingly,” I told him truthfully.

“Well, she told me that she’s been up for a bit,” he said slightly confused.

“Hmmmm, that’s weird,” I thought out loud to myself.

“Ok, well I’ll just go get your coffee,” he told me awkwardly as he exited my room.

“Ok, yea.”

                                                  ***After getting dressed***

“Hey Lexi; Hey Mason!” I told them slightly perky because I’m going to be able to have my coffee!

“Hey, Sophia,” a groggily Lexi replied. Yea, she’s soooo not a morning person.

“Your coffee, milady,” Mason told me in a British accent while handing me my coffee. I greedily grabbed it from him.

“Mmmmm,” I moaned in pleasure as I sipped it.

“Sophia? Sophia?!” Mason tried to get my attention while snapping his fingers in front of my face.

“Oh, what,” I asked snapping out of my daydream of a land full of the finest coffee ever made.

“Ok, good you’ve come back to planet Earth,” Mason said laughing at me.

“I never actually left,” I corrected him.

“Whatever. Well, is Miss. La-La-Land ready to go,” Mason questioned me.

“Yea, just let me get my bags,” I told him heading towards my bedroom.

         I don’t know how I’m going to fit all of my stuff into the van. I have a small suitcase full of blank canvases and a couple of paintings, a duffel bag full of art supplies, and a medium-sized suitcase for my clothes and anything else I need. I would’ve brought a lot more things if it wasn’t for Lexi. I didn’t appreciate her telling me not to bring so much stuff but I ended up losing the argument. She told me that we wouldn’t have any room in the van if I brought so much stuff. That’s a bunch of crap! Mason and my stuff combined is only a third of her stuff. She brought a small suitcase for just her shoes! Don’t get me started on her clothes and hair supplies!!

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