Chapter 19: Doing something entertaining

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“Hmjftrgak,” Lexi mumbled waking up slightly.

“Lexi,” I questioned her at how funny she sounded.

“Hmmmm,” she asked groggily.

“You up,” I questioned her.

“Slightly,” she said hoarsely from just waking up.

“Ok,” I told her skeptically.

“Is Mason up,” she asked with a mischievous smirk on her face.

“Why do you ask,” I inquired slightly scared by her smirk.

“Oh, you’ll see!” she whispered-yelled as she jumped into the back to her bags.

         I kept on watching her in the rearview mirror. Wow, Mason is a really heavy sleeper. He hasn’t stirred once since Lexi started messing with him. I don’t know what exactly what she’s doing, but she does have her mini straightener and curler out and she pulled out her gigantic makeup bag out. Oh God, not the big one! That is not good. Mason’s so going to kill me when he wakes up! This is so totally worth dying for!

“Done!” Lexi exclaimed.

“Take a picture!” I excitedly told her.

“Already done!” she said.

“Ok, well what did you do to him,” I curiously asked her.

“Well, since his hair is longer than most guys, I straightened it and I also curled some parts. After I did his hair, I put makeup on him. Not just any makeup, hard-core makeup,” she told me very pleased with herself at what she did to him.

“Hahaha, he’s going to be so pist when he wakes up!” I told her. What I said was very much the truth. He’ll be mad as hell, but we won’t! We’re going to laugh our asses off!!

“Do you want me to wake up,” Lexi asked barely holding back her laughter.

“Yes,” I said laughing freely.

         I checked the clock. 7:52. Yup, time for Mason to take over now. Damn, I can’t wait to sleep!

“Mason, wakey-wakey,” Lexi cooed him like a baby.

“Hmmm,” he asked just as groggily as Lexi was a little bit ago.

“Wake up!!” I yelled very loudly. Boy did that wake him up!

“I’m up, I’m up!” he said looking around like he was expecting a fire.

“Your turn to drive,” he said very cheerfully.

“Oh, fun,” he told me sarcastically.

“Well, we’re at a gas station now. You fill up on gas and go get me more coffee,” I ordered him.

“Sophia, what about his hair and makeup,” Lexi whispered to me quietly.

“Oh, don’t tell him. Leave it on him and let’s leave it to him to figure it out for himself on his own,” I told her smiling.

“Ok,” she replied as we headed towards the ‘restrooms’ outside of the gas station.

         We waited a couple of minutes then started to head back to the van. It’d be another minute or two before Mason came back. Well speak of the devil!

“Lexi!! Sophia!!” Mason roared.

“Yes,” we both asked innocently at the same exact time.

“What the hell did you do to me?! People were staring at me like I was crazy! When I left one guy told me ‘have a nice day, sweet cheeks’. What the hell did you do?!” he yelled at us.

“Ummmm….” I said as I faltered with my own words.

“Well?!” Mason asked us again.

“As Sophia was saying, we had nothing to do for a while so we decided to do your makeup and hair,” Lexi told Mason in the cutest voice possible. How could he resist that? I know I can’t.

“You make me look like a drag queen because you guys were bored,” Mason questioned us skeptically.

“Well, when you put it that way, you make us sound like complete bitches,” I answered him.

“Just know this one thing: payback’s a bitch,” he threatingly whispered to us.

         Oh hell no! Not me! Mason is the best person at getting payback. He does it when you least expect it. Shit, I better sleep with one eye open tonight.

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