chapter 2: saying sorry

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i made a cover for this story. i hope you all like it! besides that i have nothing else to say. Enjoy!



Oh gosh why did I just do that?! I never wanted to get on the wrong foot with Eliza when she's going to be leaving for Texas before school starts up again. Even though I wanted to call her every name in the book I couldn't. One reason is that I would feel dirty doing it, and second is that she's my best friend and I'm not a happy camper with her doesn't give me and excuse to call her bad names behind her back.

"Lexi, what did I just do?" I asked Lexi.

"I don't know, but you should try to go and fix it," she told me wisely.

"Like how?" I questioned her.

"How should I know I'm only 10," she retorted back to me.

"Maybe i should go and say sorry?" I questioned myself out loud.

"Sophia, it's going to take more than a 'sorry' for her to forgive you," Lexi told me.

"Wait, we're at my house. I just can't leave you here by yourself. Who knows what you could do alone," I told her.

"Sophia Mary-Elizabeth Simmons, do you not trust me?" she questioned me.

"No, but-"

"But nothing," she told me cutting me off mid-sentence while pointing towards my bedroom door.

Lexi Hamilton is the sweetest girl you will ever meet, but boy is she bossy!

"Hey, while you're at it, can you get me a popsicle? she asked me.

"Get it yourself, Lexi," I told her laughing at her laziness.

"Sophia, I'm the guest here," she told me trying to find an excuse of not being able to get up off the bed and get the dang popsicle herself.

"Lexi, you being a guest her stopped last summer," I told her truthfully.

"Fine, I'll get it myself," she grumbled to herself.

I smirked to myself knowing that i won that fight.

                                ***20 minutes later***

Ding dong. I hope she answers the door. Though she may look like she came out of a magizine, she doesn't have the money like one. It takes her about 10 seconds to get to the front door if she hurries. Oh my word, the doorknob is freaking turning!!!!

"What do you want?" she asked with venom in her voice.

"I want to apologize, Eliza," I told her sincerely. "I never should have said that."

"No, you shouldn't have," she told me with the same exact venom in her voice.

"Eliza, we've been friends since we  were in diapers. You know we can't stay mad at each other forever," I stated.

"Well, it was worth a try," she said giving up on ignoring me.

"I'm sorry too," she mumbled to me.

"For what?" I asked her.

"For telling you that I wouldn't care if I moved or not. In reality, I'm going ot miss you and Lexi bunches," she said with the emotion in her voice showing.

"I know, we will miss you a lot too, Eliza," I said.

"You have to call every single day Sophia Simmons," she ordered me.

"No can do. My mom will have a cow. How about we write to each other like they used to do?" I suggested.

"Well, ok, but I'm not promising that it'll be the best. You know better than anyone else how bad I am in school," she told me.

"Yeah, I know. By the way, we need to work on that with you,"  I told her waiting for her response which i knew would be hilarious.

"Uhhhhh!!!! No!!!!" she complained.

yup! Totally worth it!!!

"Yes, you will if you're writing to me Eliza McFly," I said to her sternly.

"Do I have to?" she questioned me.

"Yes, and if we don't hurry back to my house, then Lexi will already have all of the popsicles eaten up," I told her in a panic, because I don't want my popsicles eaten up.

"Oh, then let's hurry up! She better have not eaten my grape ones!" she also said in a panic.

Right then and there I knew it was ok, but in my gut I knew it wasn't going to be ok for long.....

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