chapter 6: letting go

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this is my 3rd time uploading today so i hope you all enjoy it!!!



Writing. That's how we communicate. Eliza and me that is. It has been 2 years since she moved. I didn't accept it in the beginning, but I did in time. The one person who helped me the most through it was Mason. I know what you are thinking: ' wait, what about Lexi and wouldn't it just be a little bit awkward since they both like each other?' Yea, sure Lexi was there for me, but she just couldn't be there 24/7 like Mason was. As for the awkwardness, it was the exact opposite. It felt comfortable in his arms. Whenever I would cry about Eliza not being there, he would make me laugh and then I would be absolutely fine. If it wasn't for her moving, I don't think we would have this close of a relationship right now.

When Eliza first moved, we wrote all the time. We'd talk about everything and anything. She would tell me about all of the people she met there so far and then I would tell her how Lexi and me are holding up and how much better my relationship with Mason is going. The letters slowly decreased as time went on. I kept on wondering why she wouldn't respond to any of my letters, but those thoughts always got pushed into the back of my mind. I always meant to call and ask, but I was always distracted. I was thinking about it one day when Lexi just burst into my room.

"Hey, Sophia what's up?" Lexi asked me.

"Nothing much," I replied, but my voice faltered.

"What are you thinking about?" Lexi asked. She could always see through the facade that I have up all the time.

"Eliza, like usual," I told her.

"Well, what about her?" she asked getting curious.

"Well, I have been writing her ever since she moved and she won't respond lately," I told her.

"She's moved on. You should too, Sophia," Lexi told me truthfully.

"What does that mean?" I questioned her confused and outraged about what she just said to me.

"I am truly sorry that I sound like a bitch right now. She made new friends and so did we, so therefore she has no time for us anymore. You need to understand that, Sophia," Lexi told me. Her words were starting to sink in. We had made new friends and so had she, and I can't deny that. Maybe I should stop all forms of communication from now on with her. But how could I? I promised her that I would keep in touch, and Sophia Simmons does not break a promise.

"I know that, but you know that we can't just forget all about her. Our earliest chilhood memories were with her," I told her truthfully.

"Don't forget about her all the way, but stop worrying about her all the time, and start living your life like you should," she wisely told me. Oh, how did I ever deserved such a wise person like her?

"OK, I will do what you say," I said giving up the argument.

Dang it, I guess I don't always win the fights that I start.

"Good, now let's get to school or else we're gonna be late and my momma won't be a very happy camper about that," Lexi said as she practically dragged me out of my bed and into my walk-in closet.

After I got ready for school, I took all the copies of the letters to Eliza and all of the letters that she wrote back to me into the back of my closet. I put them back there, because I never go in the way back. I have seen way too many scary movies in my lifetime to know that, that is the one place that people always get murdered in.

I won't regret not writing back to her. Ever. She taught me never to regret anything that I do. I will live up to her saying.

"Sophia, you ready," Lexi asked walking into my room.

"Yea, let's go," I told her shutting my closet door and my life with Eliza left inside of there.

"Sophia, if you want a ride for school, I suggest you come down here right now!" Luke yelled to me from the bottom of the staircase.

"OK, we're coming!" I yelled back to him.

Lexi and I grabbed our book bags and walked out the door, but not before I put on my sacred heart locket.

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